Chapter 13

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*calis pov*
So I've been in my room crying and only eating stale crackers and melted ice cream for three days. I've been extremely upset. these thoughts have been clouding my mind ever since the fight:
•why was he so mad?
•did I do someth-

A knock interrupted my thoughts.
"Go Away!!!"
"Cali sweety." My mom replied sympathetically.
"Me and Hannah are going to the mall to find some baby clothes and furniture if you'd like to join us?"
I thought about this, I mean it wouldn't hurt for me to leave my vampirism stage right?
"Alright. Fine. I'm only going for this baby!!"
"Okay!" I could hear her doing her little victory dance and happily pouncing down each step.
I non-gracefully clambered out of my mountains of covers and winced at the sudden change of amount of light. I sluggishly made my way to my bathroom. I flipped on the burning light and laughed for the first time in three days at the sight of my self, you can imagine what I looked like. (A/N 👌😂)
I pulled back the plain black shower curtain and turned on the water. I peeled off my grimy bathing suit, nope I didn't change at all if you were wondering. I put my old gross clothes on my frilly green bathroom mat and stepped into the foreign shower and almost groaned at the feel of the water pushing away the gross slimyness and sleepiness of the past three days right down the drain. After enjoying the warm water for 10 minutes I grabbed my strawberry and toasted coconut shampoo and worked its magic into my tangled locks. after doing the same with my strawberry and toasted coconut conditioner I grabbed my body scrub and doused it in some strawberry and toasted coconut body wash and scrubbed my skin raw. I rinse off and stepped out of my warm shower and into the steamy air and cold tile and quickly wrapped my self into a baby soft black towel. I got back in my room and lit a candle to get rid of the awful odor that my body somehow was able to produce. I walked into my closet and grabbed an outfit. (a/n outfitt is above.)
I slipped on my outfit and marched back into my bathroom and added a light layer of concealer and mascara. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and grabbed my keys, phone, and my aviators.
I trudged downstairs and sat down on a barstool.
"Morning babe." Hannah greeted me with a sympathetic smile and a banana nut muffin with a pumpkin spice latte.
"Thanks..." I answered timidly.
After I finished my breakfast. we trudged out to the car as it started to sprinkle outside. The car ride was full of my mum and Hanna chatting away like we were moving tomorrow. The car suddenly got silent and I looked up to see Hanna staring at me like she was waiting.
"I said do you think my baby will be a boy or a girl?"
I looked at her and thought.
"Boy." I replied blankly.
"See we'll I have a gut feeling about it being a girl. I think I'm right."
And she rambled about how she knew she was right the rest of the ride.
When pulled up I front of the massive concrete building with graffiti all around. That's what I love about our mall, it was purposely made blank so people could express themselves through art all around it, it is basically so we can all feel closer as a community.
We jogged through the rain to the entrance and pushed through the spinny glass door things.
(A/N I have no idea what they are called!?!)
We trudged over to Macy's and picked out a bunch of cute maternity tops for Hanna.
She took the tops and claimed a dressing room.
While she was in there I went over to Ikea's and went to the baby furniture area. Me and Hanna agreed that the nursery was going to be ocean themed because we didn't know the gender yet. I decided on a baby blue dresser with starfish handles, a baby blue crib with different colored fish all over, a sandy colored changing table with Velcro fish and seahorses, and a sandy colored rocking chair with baby blue cushions with a little blue basket that slides underneath. After that I picked out a bunch of starfish, fish, and seahorses that can be nailed in the wall, some ocean themed picture frames, and a baby blue lamp with fish and waves. I texted Hanna to come check out the stuff I picked. When she saw what I picked she started crying and I got worried.
"Han! Are you okay?"
She replied with simple nod.
"I'm crying because I'm happy!"
I wrapped her in a hug and asked her if she wants to keep the stuff and she nodded her head vigorously. I collected our stuff and bought it. Next we went to "babies r us" and bought a bunch of stuff like binkies, bottles, a fish mobile, TONS of clothes, and diapers, ect.
After shopping we went to subway and went home.
We we finished eating I decided to fix up my room to were it was at a presentable state. As I was lighting the candle I heard my phone vibrating like crazy and I checked the caller ID.
"Mattchu Da Ninja😋"
I pressed answer and heard a hysterical Matthew sobbing muttering things on the other line.
"Matt. Matt. Matthew listen to me! What happened!"
"Mi-, Mi-, MITCHELL KILLED HIMSELF!!!" He screamed.
I dropped the phone and it shattered, that was the last thing I heard before crashing to the floor myself and blacking out.

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