The Fight between Sunev and Alsihel

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The Fight between Sunev and Alsihel

Ulym had twin half women dragons

Born out of her first flames,

The people burn two offering of ambrosia to her

But Ulym gave them their names,

Sunev was the dragon that loved humanity so well

The other was so hateful,

Her name was Alsihel

Sunev and Alsihel fought for a long time

About the status of humans on the isle,

Sunev said,"Let them be!"

But Alsihel had thoughts so vile,

She wanted to have the humans as slaves

And this made Alsihel have a wicked smile smile

Also Alsihel desired to seduce the souls of men

Then burn them and eat their flesh,

Enticing them to her secret den

And with Alsihel, Sunev pleaded,

She knew Alsihel was no longer needed

Flames flew from each mouth

And pairs of claws were at each other's throats,

So from Cliatad, Ulym sent both sisters down south

And took away half their immortalities,

So they could live forever of or become fatalities

As they both crashed to the island,

Ulym sent Sunev east and Alsihel west

Both banished from Cliatad

Where both were of the situation make their best

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