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The Wildcat was laying on her bed on a Thursday night reading. She loved to read, almost as much as she loved to fight, and currently she was reading about a Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins agoing on a quest with Dwarves.

Tonight she was imbraseing her mutation s instead of squashing them down to be normal. As you might have noticed, Wildcat was a mutant. An entirely new species of human that were born with the mutant X gene, giving them mutations or powers. And Wildcat was special.

She had three very strong mutations which is very uncommon. The first was Hydrokiness, or the ability to control water. Juice, soda, tea, anything. If you had anough water in your bloodstream, she could physically control you. She was very powerful and had once made a tidal wave from the water in the air.

Her second mutation was the ability to shape-shift into a half leopard- half human hybrid. When she shifted, she had the spotted ears and tail of a leopard. Also the hearing, smell, and eyesight, all slightly dulled because of the human part of her. Her canines grew longer, sharper, and more accostumed to tearing flesh. Her normal nails became razor-sharp retractable claws, and her stunning normal earth eye pupils became cat-like slits, ableing her night vision.

Her final mutation was the ability to heal form any ingery almost immediately. You could cut her, shoot her, scratch her, and break her, and she would be able to heal quickly. This mutation also allowed her to live untell she was killed. She'd been born August 9th, 1840 and was currently 180 years old. Thanks to her mutation she still looked like she was 32.

Wildcat was a beautiful creature with a sleek body, thick lashes, and a feirce an firey personality. And of course her real name wasn't Wildcat. Her real full name was Leora Pathera Jean Smith. The world just knew and called her by her codename. Leora Smith was on a team of fellow mutants that helped protect humans called the X-Men. She was a valuable part of the team and she loved them like family. In a way they where.

Anyway, Leora was on her bed reading, deeply emersed in the book. Her leopard tail was flicking back and forth, as her cat eyes ajusted quickly to the fadeing light. She was twisting water in the air in spheres, trails, and spirals, just for fun. Her telepathic, mind reading friend, Charles had told her it would be good for her to embrace her powers off the field. So the did.

Somebody rapped on the door of her room in the X-Mantion. Her consentration was shattered and the water fell to the carpeted floor drenching it and her bed. She cursed under her breath as she crossed the room and opened the door. Her friend and fellow X-Man stood there, named Logan. Like her, he was also a mutant with a healing factor. His mutations also included foot-long claws that retracted in and out from in-between the joints of his fingers.

Sixty years before he had agreed to undergo a lab experiment called the Weapon X program. Leora had been a mutant test subject then, and had watched in horror as his entire skeleton was grafted with the strongest metal in the world. Anamantium. It was virtually indestructible. He could get shot, but unlike Leora, thanks to his reinforced rip cage, it could not go past to pierce his heart. After that, they could both move on with life.

When Logan had joined the team, he had changed his codename from Weapon X to Wolverine. He was born in 1838, and was two years older than her. He was also very inshape, and had a large chest. His arms and legs where shaped with knotted muscles, and he had sideburns that went all the way down to his chiseled jawline. He styled his short brown hair to look like almost like two ears, and his eyes where a warm chocolate brown due to the anamantium. He had said that before they had been green. He had a deep voice with a feirce personality, but with a soft-spot for Leora. Logan looked to be 35, and was wearing a pair of blue jeans with boots, and a black shirt with a leather jacket over it.

He loved Leora, and unlike her, thought they where created to be together, because they where so similar. Let's face it. There both animals. They both also had dark pasts.

Hey guys! Hoped you enjoyed this little peace! This isn't the actual story, just a brush up on my OC and what she's like.
Thx for reading and please comment on what you think! The comments really boast my motivation whenever I am down, so I can write more! Let me know if you have any questions, or suggestions!

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