Chapter 1

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(note: hey lol if there are some notes here I accidentally left I'm sorry i tried to delete them all but I might've left one, ok anyways u can read now)




My eyes were squeezed shut, and a smooth, solid surface was pressed directly onto my face. Carefully, I opened my eyes to an ink black scene.

It didn't take much time for me to realize I was laying flat on a stand of some sort. My head shot up, and I was welcomed to entirely new surroundings unfolding before me.

It was quiet. And... tense?

I got to my feet apprehensively, scanning the area. Desks were placed methodically in rows. I raised a brow. It was obvious I was in a classroom of some sort, and that was certainly more comforting than waking up in somebody's cellar or something along those lines.

In fact, the entire experience wouldn't have been out of the ordinary if it weren't for the fact that I suddenly blacked out and woke up here.

Oh right, that and the boarded up windows decorating the ashen walls.

"Huh...?" My voice was more strained and drowsy than I had expected. The more I looked around, the more off the atmosphere turned out to be.

For one, there was a bulky camera hanging down directly from the ceiling- I suppose that wasn't too disturbing, since schools in different countries had security systems, but that piece of knowledge didn't ease my worries very much. I couldn't shake the idea that I was being watched.

Despite my uncertainty, I pushed aside my unease. Hope's Peak wasn't a normal school, maybe it was just... a little kooky. The best course of action would be to leave this room and find my classroom. Placing my hands into my pockets awkwardly, I made my way to the sepia door. With my right hand, I turned the knob and gently opened the door.

To my relief, the halls of Hope's Peak weren't as out of the ordinary as my previous setting. It was mostly bland regardless of the warm colored ambient light emitting from the fluorescent lights above. Doors of different shapes lined the walls, and a door that was significantly larger was the one I assume belonged to the gym. Considering the fact it was the beginning of the school year, it was safe to assume there could be an assembly of some sort.

"Guess I should head in," I shrugged, making my way to the door.

I swung the door open, a harsh light flooding my vision. It took a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the illumination of the room, and voices fighting over each other surrounded me.

"Yo, is that...?"

"Nah, that's just another..."

"...Another one?"

"Hey! Kid!" a boyish voice called, redirecting my attention to my right, I squinted, and I'm met with the top of a black cap. "You, the tall one." The voice came from below this time, and I looked down to see a kid about my age looking up at me through brunette ragged bangs partially covering his eyes. "Oh- me?" I pointed at myself densely. "Yeah, you. What's your deal?" The kid squinted, and I noticed his jaw clench ever so slightly.

To be fair, that was a good question. What was my deal? "Ah, well, basically I fainted and I kind of woke up here?" I explained awkwardly, "well, I guess not here, but in the next classroom over, so, y'know."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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