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     Anne-Marie was walking home from school on September 21st, 2018. Her house was close to her school, almost twenty minutes away on foot. Her coffee-colored messenger bag was slung across her body, and she had her headphones on, listening to Classical music. She stopped at the crosswalk, and waited for the light to change so she could cross he street. She looked down at her wrist to check the time. 3:45. She looked up to see a 2017 Dodge Challenger parked across the street, and she rolled her eyes. 'I don't understand why people have to own flashy cars.' she thought, slightly annoyed. She never saw the point in cars like that. She looked again at the light, and it had changed. She crossed the street quickly, and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her school uniform. After about five more minutes, she arrived at her house. It was a two story house, with white vinyl-siding and a wooden door. She stopped at the mail box to get the mail. A box was sitting on the ground next to the mailbox, so she put the paper mail into her school bag and picked up the box, tucking it under one arm. With her free hand, she pulled her house key free from the outside pocket of her bag and unlocked the door. She opened the door, walked inside.

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