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Anne-Marie walk into the kitchen and sets the package on the island. She looks through the mail to see what herself and her family had received. It was mostly bills, although there was a birthday card to her father from her Uncle Simon. There was also a rather large envelope that was addressed to her. She set the bills and card down on top of the package, and gently placed the envelope in her bag. She walked over to the refrigerator and got a bottle of water out of it. She shut the door and went upstairs to her room. The curtains were open, and plenty of natural light was shining through her windows. She looked around her room, and was happy to be home. Her room was not painted, like you would expect most teenager's rooms to be. Instead, three out of four walls were lined with floor to ceiling bookcases.  Every shelf was filled with books. The wall that did not have any bookcases was the one that housed her bed and wardrobe, along with a large oak desk. The desk had bookcases behind it though, so it didn't really count. The wardrobe had been a gift from her grandfather when she turned 15. She walked over to her wardrobe and opened the door. She took the envelope, her headphones, her cell phone, and her laptop out of her bag, and set them all on her desk. She hung her bag on a hook that was on the back of one of the wardrobe doors. She took off her school jacket and hung it up on a hanger that was on a rack inside her wardrobe. She sat at her desk and untied her shoes, took off her vest and untied her tie. Tie hanging freely around her neck, she hung up her vest and placed her shoes on a shelf in the bottom. She then took off her shirt and slacks. She hung hem up and jerked an old t-shirt and a pair of shorts off of the shelf above the hanging rack. She quickly got dressed and sat down at her desk. She pulled a drawer open and pulled out a note book and pen. The notebook was nothing fancy. Just a plain black notebook. She opened it up and began a letter to her brother. 

Dear Sterling,

     I hope this letter finds you well. I got something in the mail today, and I don't know what is in it yet. I am yet to open it. I apologize for not writing sooner. What with school and everything else, I haven't had the time to write to you, let alone sit down and read a book. Well, I've done it. I got the school to give me a boy's uniform in replacement of my girls uniform. I am so much more comfortable now that I can move. Haha! Anyways, I finally got good at chess since the last time you were home. We can play when you come home again. I hope you will be home soon. Anyways, enough about me, what about you? Have you been doing well in school? How is it on campus at this time of year? Will you be home this summer? When will you call me? Mom and dad miss you. Also, I have decide what I am majoring in for college! I am going into criminal defense, just like you brother! I will write again when I have more time. For now, I must bid you farewell. I love you, brother. Stay safe and well.


                                                                                                                      A. M.

She tore out the page with care and laid it to one side of her desk. Then, she reached into another drawer and pulled out an envelope. She filled out the information she needed to, and the inserted the letter into the envelope. She ran downstairs and put on a pair of flip-flops. She walked out the door, locking it behind her. She walked to the post office, and when she arrived, she promptly mailed the letter and went home. She go home, and when she did, she saw her mother's car parked in the driveway. She went inside and called for her mother. "Mom, where are you?" she yelled. 

"I am in the kitchen" her mother replied.

"Okay. I went to mail a letter to Sterling! I'll be in my room doing homework if you need me!" she called, running up the stairs. She got to her room and went inside, closing the door behind her. She walked to her desk and sat down, pulling her package closer to her. She opened the envelope and pulled out its contents. She looked at them and saw that they were all pictures. She looked closer and saw something that made her blood run cold. She was in every single picture in that envelope. Some of them had moments that only she knew about. Some of them were of her at school, n her way home from school, at family gatherings, and even in her own room. She shoved them away from her, holding her head in her hands. She felt dizzy, and she wanted to throw up. 'This is not happening!' she thought. But deep down, she knew it was real. She picked up the envelope and a folded sheet of paper fell out. It was a letter. She quickly shoved everything that was in the envelope into a drawer and shut it. She couldn't believe what was happening. She had a stalker.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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