The beginning of the troublesome war.

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... Anthony stood by the stone on the mountain with one of his team members, Jennie, looking down at one of their enemies towns. Chuckle. He sat himself down, leaning his head onto his palm as he hummed quietly.

"Today is the day.. where we will show them what's the feeling of being abandoned and beaten to death." The dirty blonde male added, tilting his head back to look up at the female. "Even if you're in your worst condition, don't show weakness, understood? It will just bring us down and we don't want that." He added as she slightly nodded.

"I'm already prepared for whatever is going to happen.. though I know for sure they aren't." The brown haired female chuckled and crossed her arms, her eyes drifting down at one of the castles. "Let's blow up this little childish creation of theirs and make it reduce itself into atoms." She jumped down from one of the rocks, looking back up at Anthony. "We shall win this one." She said confidently, Anthony smirked and gave her a nod before getting up and holding his crown into his hands.

"..We got this, nothing is stopping us now." He looked back down at Jennie. "Though we need to get the others first, we need our stuff." The dirty blonde male rubbed his finger against the diamond which was onto the crown.* "They aren't going to be happy with what's about to happen." He had said, putting his crown back onto his head, his fluffy hair getting into his eyes as he did. He took his throne into his hands and turned around, looking at the other direction from Jennie. "Come on, hurry up." He said as he started walking off, Jennie following him as he did.

. . .

Everyone was getting their swords sharpened, shields done, armor, everything that was needed. They had hope, they knew they were going to win.. or were they?

Doc walked over to Becca and tapped his shoulder, he turned around and raised his eyebrow down at them. "Hmm?"

"Could I borrow some of your arrows? I had lost a couple of mine while I was practicing archery." They sighed, scratching the back of their head. - "Sure, I don't have that much but we can share." He smiled at Doc, Doc returned the smile and nodded. "Thank you, Becca." They said thankfully, taking some of the arrows he had handed them.

Anthony walked over to the table, slamming a huge map onto it. "We have to go together. We have to work as a team like we always used to. Today is the day.. where we might loose. But therefore! We have to try our best. I don't want to see anyone crying down onto the floor begging for mercy, you hear me?!" He looked down at the map. "I've got dynamites back in the cabinets, we will throw them in their territory. You will have to try your best to throw them as far as you can." He commanded while others game him a nod right away. The dirty blonde haired male observed the map the whole time, focusing onto the buildings. His eyes drifted to Becca the next second, giving him a slight glare. "Look. I know your friend is on the other team but a war is a war." He took his throne and walked over to him, lightly pressing it underneath the others chin. "If it takes to kill the other.. do it. Would you rather be crying onto the floor, bleeding to your death or come out alive?"

"..Exactly." He brought it away, smiling at him. "Is everyone prepared?" He looked over at the rest of the members, them giving him a small nod in return as a answer. "Then we're ready to go." He smirked and took his gun, loading it and placing it into his side pocket, turning his body to the exit. "Good luck, my friends."

- Meanwhile with the others.

Alex sighed nervously, looking down at the map. "This is going to be difficult." They looked over at the others and gave them a small smile. "But I know we're going to win, I'm not letting anyone die today." They smirked and raised their eyebrow, drifting his eyes back down to the map.

"We're definitely going to win. Nothing is stopping us from doing so, even if they might come off as the strong type of groups.. in reality they're just cowards." Yaba added their comment, smirking and putting a pocket knife in their pocket.*

The troublesome war // based off of the DREAM SMP warWhere stories live. Discover now