The Ruins

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-Lance POV-

I was walking along the bridge with my sack slung over my shoulder. It had been a few days, and the Spartan peaks were now in sight. I'd been eating bread for the duration of my trek, it was a little stale, but it wasn't too bad.

Soon I reached the end of the non-sunken portion of the bridge. The closest Spartan peak wasn't too far away, but it was gonna take a bit to get there. I put my quiver in my sack and took off my suit. I folded my suit and put it in my sack, then put on my fur pants. I pulled my staff from my sack and shifted it back to normal size. I picked my sack up and stepped into the water. It was surprisingly warm for ocean water. I started swimming to the closest peak, holding my sack above the water and using my staff to push me forward every few seconds.

Soon I was on the Spartan peak. It was fairly large and had a huge blackberry bush on it surrounding a huge tree. The highest point of the peak was about twenty feet above the water. I used my staff to clear a path, and make a clearing. I dug a hole and buried my sack to make sure it wouldn't be found if I was being followed.

I cleared a path to the other side of the peak so I could see the other peaks. I stood at the edge of the water and looked around. There was a thick fog covering the sunken ruins, but I could make out the outlines of the other peaks. Lucky for me, the tallest peak was the closest to me, it looked like it was about a hundred yards away.

I looked down at the water. Suddenly there was a large ripple in the water. I looked up a little bit to see a head poking out of the water. I froze in fear and shock. Suddenly the magic around me seemed a thousand times thicker, it was like I was suffocating, but I could still breath. The head had long black hair that flowed in the water, it also had a beard to match its hair. It's eyes were completely sea foam green and had bluish green scales surrounding them. It's skin was perfectly bronze. Under the water I could make out a spear like object with three tips.

My eyes widened and I fell to my knees. My bones felt like jelly in this beings presence. I stared in awe at him. I managed to control my body a bit and bowed to him, I knew exactly who was in front of me.

I was afraid, yet in awe at the same time. "Lord Poseidon, I didn't know this was your home..." I said in fearful awe.

I heard him rise from the water further, and the magic around me seemed to thin enough for me to breathe normally.

I got goosebumps all over when I heard his voice. "You know who I am?" He asked curiously. His voice was deeper and gruffer than any I'd ever heard before. There was nothing to compare it to, it seemed to shake my soul with its sheer depth.

I took a deep breath. "P-Please excuse my nervousness lord, i-it's not everyday one meets a being of your caliber. You are known throughout all the world, all have, at the very least, heard your name." I said nervously.

I heard water droplets fall off of him as he shifted. "I see, please rise, I have never been one for formality. Tell me, why have you come here?" He asked.

I tried to rise from my bow, but my legs were too shaky to stand. I looked up at him. His entire upper half was now above the water. His muscles seemed to be perfectly chiseled, like true masterpiece of a sculpture. He was wearing a simple white Greek toga. "I did not mean to intrude lord, I'm here I search of the chimeras lair. I was told I could find relics and the pelt of the Cretin Bull inside." I said.

He nodded. "Stop calling me lord, I'm not a god or anything." He said a little annoyed. He looked into my eyes for the first time. He went silent for a second and gained a focused face, like he was reading.

He didn't even let me speak. "I see. You have had a hard life young one." He said with a frown.

He extended his hand out towards me. "You and I have two shared domains as well..." He said.

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