【T a b l e s】

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"Hello, are you ready to order yet?"

The waitress said while walking over to my table.

"Yes! Can I have two waffles, four peices of bacon, and one sausage patty please?"

"You sure can! Would you like anything to drink with that?"

"I'll just have some coffee! Thanks!"

"You're welcome! I'll be right back in a moment with your drink."

She smiled and walked off.

"I don't really think breakfast is such a good idea for dinner today, but oh well. It tastes good, that's all i care about."

She placed the mug on my table along with a couple of sugar packets, and some creamer.

I made it how I like it, and sat patiently, waiting for my food.

The bell on the door rang. Notifying everyone that someone has entered.

I looked up to see who it was. They looked familiar, but i couldn't really remember their name.

They scanned the room, eyes stopping at my table. Their eyes lit up and they put on a smile.

They walked over to the table

"Hello, is this seat taken?"

He said motioning to the seat across from me. I shook my head with a smile.

"Go ahead."

He sat down with a hum.

"Hi there! I'm Oikawa, and you are?"

"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you."


"What a beautiful name."

"Thank you. If I may ask, why exactly did you sit with me?"

"Well you see, I saw you in this seat and I just had to introduce myself."

He giggled.

"Sure, I'll believe it for now."

"Ok fine. I'll tell you on one condition."

"And what would that be?"

"I can be your friend."

He smiled with sincerity, he seemed as if he held no evil in his heart.


I like to sit here because of the curtains, I think they look pretty."

He said while gazing at them

"Oh, I never expected that as a reason."

"Well what do you think about them?"

"Yeah, they are pretty nice."

"So? Can I be your friend?"

He seemed so excited to be my friend, so happy to have the opportunity.

"Of course you can! Besides I do need some more anyways."

He layed his head down and we continued to conversate with each other, like we have been friends for a while. Though, we only just met I find comfort in his presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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