Chapter 1: Subaru's Stand Awakening

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Exiting the store, the boy stood out in the parking lot. The moonlight illuminated the area, he was able to see very clearly. The blue light eased him as he relaxed, taking a leisurely time walking home by himself. During his walk home, he examined the contents of his bag.

Inside the branded bag, he saw a bunch of arrows, and red spiky balls. The arrows were slender, having fine gold finishes. The head of the arrow was also outlined in silver, finishing the tip with a sharp point and glimmer. Along with that, there were red spiky balls. They were soft to the touch, and were deemed to taste just like dragon fruit.

Finishing the evaluation of his items, he sighed and lowered the bag to swing freely with his arm again. "Jeez, I'm such a nerd." Subaru spoke, while walking down the sidewalk. Coming back from the cosplay store at night, Subaru planned to dress up that Halloween as someone from his favorite anime. He already had everything he needed back home to dress up for the occasion.

Subaru even exercised for the occasion. He thought back to his parents calling him out when he suddenly picked up dumbbells at home. Without going rigorous, however, he built himself decently well. His parents were more than surprised. Subaru was a shut-in kid, who would only watch anime, play games, do school, and swing a sword around aimlessly.

He had a bunch of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure posters in his room, and figures along with that. He was a huge fan of the show, it brought him joy to watch episodes of it. With a smile on his face, Subaru imagined himself wearing his nerdy outfit as he was nearing home.

Suddenly, his vision blurred. "The hell?" Subaru rubbed his eyes as he squinted them. "I guess this is what happens when you stay up in your room too long gaming..." He worried to himself as he started to lose consciousness. "H-huh? " he felt his head hit the cold concreate as his vision faded to black.

Subaru heard water splashing, and various noises of rumbling and talking. The sun glared on his eyes as he slowly opened them. He rubbed them as he sat up to see he was leaning next to a water fountain. There were buildings surrounding him, that looked to be medieval. He also noticed the people walking around him to be demi humans. His eyes widened as he thought to himself.

"Have I been summoned, across the, universe, to another world?!" He exclaimed in his mind as he got up looking around frantically. He noticed the arrows and fruits were still in his bag. He also noticed he was still wearing the same clothes. Calming himself down, he started to wander around the city just like any other person who would wake up in a place that they don't know would.

Subaru wandered to a stand that had apples and various other fruits in baskets. Looking at the sign, it had something written on it that was illegible to him. He looked over at the man who was standing at the stand as he spoke. "Excuse me sir, are these apples?" Subaru examined the man while pointing down at the basket of apples.

The man had green hair tied back with a red do-rag. He was also chewing on a piece of plucked wheat, as he spoke. "Appas, the freshest you'll find." The man spoke with an enthusiastic tone in his voice. "Appas?" Subaru thought to himself. "At least they understand me." Subaru nodded as he said. Subaru pulls out his wallet and hands the man the money to see if he accepts it "What's that? You can't use that here in Lugnica which means you're totally broke!" The man pushes Subaru away with anger in his face.

Subaru took that moment to leave, knowing that he would have been told to screw off for being broke. He wandered around a bit longer until he walked into an alley way. He sat down on some leveling steps as he sighed. He looked at the contents of his bag once again to see the arrows and fruit. "Jeez, I should at least take a picture of these and send them to my parents." Pulling out his phone, he looked at the top right of the navigation page as he noticed he had no bars. "Should have expected that" Subaru groaned.

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