Chap. 1: A New Start.

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Well... Here I am.
A new life.
A new home.

Not gonna lie.. I do feel bad leaving my old home..

But that's just it! My sister did the same thing a few years back, so now it's my turn.

And I got my eyes set on a goal already.

Become a rap star!

Sounds.. a bit difficult.. yeah.
But I just need to overcome anything that comes in my way!

First step is getting settled in though.

I've already moved all the boxes inside, so all that's left is to unpack.

Won't take too long! I got the guts to do this anyway.




Finally time to close up. It's been a long day, so now it's about time to finally rest.
I take a sigh, and lean on the counter, taking in the smell of the coffee beans.
It always smells so nice in here.

"Yo. GF?"

"Huh?" I sit up and look ahead at the green sweater in front of me.

"Ah. Pico. You should know we're closed right now." I sigh and fix up my hair.

Pico shrugs. "Yeah I know. Didn't come here for a coffee. Came to bring you a little something.

He sets down a bag of takeout onto the counter, and a separate bag with a few cherry cokes.

"Just got paid, so I thought you and your fam would like this."

"Aww! Pico! You're just doing this for a free latte aren't you?" I giggle, and take the bags to a table on the back.

"Dang. And here I thought my plan would slip past you." He replied is a joking tone. "I'm serious tho, G. Take it. You look like you had a busy day."

I sighed. "Tell me about it. Cathy messed up someone's order 3 different times! I know she's still in training but yeesh..."

Shaking my head, I turn back to Pico, resting my arms on the counter. "Anyway, thanks so much for this! Next time you come in, it's on the house."
"It better be." Pico laughed.

"Heyyy!" Someone called from outside the shop.

I peek over Pico's shoulder to see Nene and Darnell outside, sitting there with a few bags of their own.

"Let's go P! That wall aint gonna paint itself!" Darnell shouted.

Pico rolled his eyes. "Welp. You heard em. I gotta bounce. Talk to you tomorrow?"

"Nah I'd rather you stay away from this shop." I laughed a bit.
"See ya tomorrow Pico!"

"See ya GF! Don't forget that free drink!" Pico called out as he rushed out of the store.

I smirk to myself. He seriously needs to lay off the caffeine.

"I'm just telling you, hon. He's a pretty nice boy!" I hear from behind me.

"Ugh! Mom! I told you! We're just friends."

"Yeah. You better stay friends." My dad huffs. "That boy is nothing but trouble. Clutching onto that gun everyday."

"Oh sweety lighten up!" Mom gives Dad a peck on the cheek. "Plus, he reminds me of you in your youth! So mischievous and reckless~"

Dad sighs. "Please don't remind me. Besides, You were still as gorgeous yourself, honey bun~" He looked back at Mom and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hahh... I'm going to my room.."
I sigh and run up to my room before I heard anymore of my parents mushy flirting.

..Friends.. Yeah we're just friends!


Pico POV

"Why are we doing this again?" I sigh. Carrying the bags that Darnell forced me to carry for him.

"Why not man? We're bored soo." Darnell shrugged. "Besides. It was Nene's idea in the first place."

"Whaaat? I just thought we could get a bit of advertisement! And graffiti is a very creative way to do it!~"

I sighed and just continued following the two, until we reached an alleyway.

"This'll be a good place!" Darnell took the bag back and handed Nene and I a few of the paint cans.

I looked over at the wall we were gonna paint. It was full of different types of graffiti and junk, but there were a few open spots.

I just rolled my eyes and dropped the paint cans back into the bag. I'm too tired to do anything right now. It's literally 2am, so why are we doing this?

"Hey! Fuck-stains! The hell are you doing on my turf?!" A voice called out to us. In all honesty, I couldn't be bothered.

That's when Darnell spoke up.
"Oh shit- Cassandra??"

I looked up, and sure enough, it was the goth girl herself.

"Oh great. The Pico Squad. What the hell are you fuckshits doing here?"

"We're just going a bit of graffiti! Care to join?" Nene grinned

Cassandra cringed. "Yeah, I'd rather watch every Barbie movie at once while having to take notes."

Nene shrugged "Fair enough."

Cassandra scoffed and flipped her hair. "Anyway, hurry up and get the hell out of here. You know what'll happen if you don't."

With those words, she walked into the darkness.

"..Nice seeing you again too!" I spat at her as she left.

Darnell shrugged and held up his paint cans "Well anywayyy... We might as well hurry this up then."

And with that, we started painting.


Just a Coffee Shop AU (BF x GF x Pico)Where stories live. Discover now