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*Harsh language/ Abuse/ Degrading language/   Slight mentions of killing yourself*


Wiltshire, England

July; 1995

July; 1995

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   Summer wasn't any different from school for me. I'd wake up, dress, study for a few hours, eat and go to bed. Then do it all over again. 

    I woke up to the sound of footsteps, they all clicked hurriedly around the room to probably see if I've made any messes, but I usually put back everything the way it was before someone told me to. The curtains fluttered open, the rays of sun poking in my eyes. Then a heavier sound of heels entered my room, ones that made the rest scurry out. I push myself against the headboard and watched as my mother dragged her sharp nails against the books that hung on shelves.

  The shelves held all the classics, only wizarding kinds though. My parents believed that anything muggle-related was cursed and if you were to touch it your magic would leave your body —most people in my father's organization believed that as well. 

  My mother's fingers rubbed against each other, little balls of dust forming, I could tell that wasn't a good sign. She hated dust, any little speck of it "Your room is immoral, equal to your posture last night." I sat silently with my head down "If you can not learn to live decently, we might as well do something about your . . . choice of wardrobe" the shadows under her cheekbones grew as she stuck her nose high in the air

"Your father will be hosting a small meeting for The Elite" Small meeting; meaning today they'd initiate Lucius into the Organization, officially "The standard procedure would be to stay in your room but we have unbeknownst visitors" Her face was still motionless. If she was skeptical of these 'visitors' her face didn't project it, she stood staring through the paned window

My lips part gently "When should I-" 

"-Speak when spoken to" her head snapped towards mine, voice snarling "Get dressed and head downstairs. That's an order. Should you be late, expect a punishment" The dress she wore swayed perfectly on its way out

A breath of air streams out of me, allowing my shoulders to slouch at the sound of the door slamming shut. I peeled off the blanket and stepped into the bathroom, allowing the silence to captivate me. My hands felt cold against my face, a swaying feeling dispersing in my head. Soon I close my eyes and begin to listen to the little things, the droplets of water that fell from the faucet, leaves that hit the window outside, my calm and steady breathes. It all began to repeat in a terrible pattern, the sound of it all began to mix and sting my mind. An unsettling feeling sits in me like something banging inside my chest and asking to be let out. First, it was weird, uncomfortable even, but now it hurt. Like when I cast a spell wrong in one of my classes, which rarely ever happened. I flutter my eyes open for a while, just to contemplate what had happened

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