Past hauntings and new beginings

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A/N : anything I don't change in the plot stays the same. They already have dorms.

10 years later
Izuku POV:
I slammed my hand on my alarm a bit too hard and screamed "F*ck!" I dramatically rolled of my bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I took of my pyjamas and stepped in the shower.

I shivered as the icy water hit my skin waking me up. After I stood in my UA uniform trying to tame my wild hair. I caught my reflection in the mirror. Freckles in the shapes of diamonds sat on my cheeks whilst a ragged pink line cut through the middle of the ones under my right eye. I ran my fingers along the scar that slit through my eye.

As I recalled the knife cutting my skin, I felt my chest begging to feel heavy and my breathing change. I slumped to the floor panting unable to see clearly through my tear stained eyes. I could see my father stood in front of me laughing holding the knife.

After ten minutes I pulled myself together put on my facade and headed downstairs. I poked my head in my mothers room to see her still snoring away. Still blackout drunk from the night before.

I sigh and gently close the door. When I got to the kitchen I opened the fridge to it being empty other than a few half empty beers. I sighed and grabbed my bag and put my earphones in.

As I walked down the empty street I saw the early morning sun only just rising. I walked into the cafe and order an espresso and a croissant.

As I arrived I looked up in awe at the huge UA gates. Sluggishly, I wandered around trying to find room 1a. I finally found the huge room after 5 minutes. "Why are the doors so bloody big" I thought sitting at my desk in the empty room. "FUCK," I said aloud "it's only 6:12 man I'm gonna be here forever."

At 6:50am the blue haired kid comes barging in. "HELLO FELLOW CLASSMATES!" He shouted even though it was only us. He begins to walk towards moving his arms like a robot. He swings his arm out to me. "Hello there I am Iida, I know from the exams you are good as you saw something I didn't." I rolled my eyes before looking up happily "Thanks but I," I began before a familiar blonde boy came storming in followed by the rest of the class.

The blonde sat on the desk in front of me putting his feet on in scowling at me. The Iida boy went to tell him off.

At seven I could hear a russling sound outside the door. Curiously I got up to look to see a yellow catapillar lying there. "It took 8 seconds for you to notice me disappointing," a deep masculine voice said. He introduced himself as Aizawa, our home room teacher. He gave us gym kits and told us to meet him outside. "Great just f*cking great we're working at 7 am," I thought heading outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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