First Day,First Disaster Part 1

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Junkyu's Pov

It's another school year again.I can't believe it. I don't know how I feel I'm so nervous right now,my mom told me that Jihoon will assist me to school but I'm still nervous and I'm having another panic attack.

"Eomma I'm having another panic attack" I shouted at my mom and run down to go to her.

"Kyu you know you need to stay strong,you know that is what the doctor told you" Junkyu's mom said.

"But-" I tried to give a reason but my mom stop me.

"Kyu I know how hard it is for you but I'm here for you,Jihoon and your doctor is here, we're here to help you so please stay strong ok" Junkyu's mom said.
I don't know what to say, I don't want to dissapoint my mom so I just nodded and waited for Jihoon to arrive. 20 minutes later Junkyu still doesn't see any sign of Jihoon, he thought that Jihoon might forgotten about him so he decide to go back home but he heard Jihoon yelling

"Yahh! Yah! Junkyuuu!" Jihoon yelled

"Yah! What took you so long? I thought you forgot about me" Junkyu asked

"I'm sorry but I didn't forgot about you. Kinda! But that's not the point,come on let's go we're late" said Jihoon,he grabbed Junkyu's hand and run.

"Yahhh! JIhoon! Yahhhhhh! Slow down! I-I-I can't brea- I can't breathe properly!" Junkyu yelled.'panting' "I hate you" 'panting' "I hate you so much" 'panting'

"Kyu we're late,it's our first day and you wanted to be late." said Jihoon

"Yah! I never 'panting' told you to come so late,I waited for you almost half an hour and your complaining that we're late, just don't please don't,don't follow me go late on your own" Junkyu walked away pissed because of Jihoon.

Junkyu is not much afraid because he's already late he expected that student's is already in their respected rooms so he feels much more comfortable than before but after he enter the school he saw a lot of students outside,Junkyu didn't expect this many students he really thought that maybe all of the students might be in their class but some of them are still outside talking and laughing. He really regret ditching Jihoon.Junkyu is now having another panic attack he can't think properly nor walk properly.Junkyu stayed strong and tried to walk to his class but because his looking at the floor he didn't expect to bump someone,Junkyu fell on the floor, Junkyu felt so embarrassed that he think that he can die right there right now.

"Look where you're going kid" said the stranger

"If your also looking where you're going you didn't also bumped me" Junkyu talk back and realize what he just said and also shocked himself specially because there are many people looking.Junkyu check his surrounding and saw that there are many people looking at him he is now so embarrased that he feels like his about to faint but he stand up and run to the bathroom.Junkyu didn't know why did he said that,he is now trying to calm himself down.

To Be Continued........

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Thank you and have a good day

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