chapter 1: when I first saw you

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" Hey, get up already, it's time for school! "

I'm already up but whatever.

I don't feel like going to school, today or just every day. I have Chiaki and Kazuichi as friends but they're in the main course. I'm just a reserve course student. I've always admired Hope's Peak but now I feel like the odd one out. Although... there is this one boy... I've been meaning to talk to him. From what I've been told he doesn't have a real talent. Maybe I can try to see him after class today.


Hajime finally got out of bed, still bothered by his thoughts. He put on his signature white shirt and green tie while trying not to think. "hmm I feel like I wear this a lot.. maybe I should change it up.." he says to himself, "eh maybe tomorrow. I'm already wearing this anyways."

He looks at the time after outfit picking.



Hajime frantically runs out of his house, not noticing the boy in front of him

"AAAAARAHH!!" says a boy with hair as white as the snow, falling as Hajime bumped into him, pinning the white-haired boy to the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Such trash like me should really look where I'm going!"

Hajime looks down at the boy, and studies his face, he looks into his eyes which are a grayish almost green tint that sparkles in the sun. He has hair that seems knotty but up close looks so soft. 


After what seemed like hours but was actually a few minutes of staring at Nagito, I realize the quiet..... suggestive position they are in.

Oh! This must be Nagito Komeda. He's kinda like me. This is the boy I've been meaning to talk to. He's in the main course because his talent is being lucky.

"AAH?! I- um Hey don't call yourself that!", I say with a smile while trying to get up awkwardly " I'm the one you bumped into you after all. I should be apologizing!" I hold out a hand to help him up, which he rejects.

"No no, this is obviously because I was in your way. I have no right to even take such kindness from you!" Nagito says. He looks like he's serious, does he really think of himself in such a demeaning way?

" It's okay you know..."

We stare in silence for what seemed like an eternity. 

" You don't have to answer a question from trash like me but what's your name."

"i- Uh you don't know my name? Don't Chiaki and Kazuichi talk about me?"

"AH! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked anything!" Nagito says looking at the ground, looking like he just dropped a secret no one was supposed to know.

"Ah, no it's alright," I say in a confused tone, "My name is Hajime Hinata. I already know yours. It's Nagito right?"

"Wow! As expected from another amazing Hope's Peak student!"

"I-I thank you. but I'm only in the reserve course... at least I still get to be in a class with all your ultimates." I say while looking at my watch...


" ITS ALREADY 8:40, IM SO SORRY NAGITO I HAVE TO GO," I say while getting ready to run leaving Nagito behind, "BYE!"

I ran to class, probably faster than an Olympic runner. 

" Hello, Mr. Hinata you're late."

" Yes yes, I'm so sorry I got caught up talking to someone."

I walk to the back of my classroom, looking at all the interesting characters.

Wait Nagitos already here? How did he get here before me? I thought I left him behind. I walk to my seat which is in the middle of Chiaki and Kazuichi.

 Chiaki's the Ultimate Gamer which to me seems like a pretty fun talent, although she tells me it's better not to have a talent. Apparently, people like me (who are talentless) have a way more free way of life. 

Then there is Kazuichi, the Ultimate Mechanic. He's pretty... clingy if I do say so myself. Especially to Chiaki. For a while, I thought they were dating but turns out there just REALLY close friends.

"Hey bud, so who were you talking to so early huh?"

" Um.. well no one too special, I was just talking to Nagito for a few minutes."

"A FEW MINUTES? YOUR ALMOST AN HOUR LATE! Oooooh does someone have a crush? I'd be fine with it." He says with a devious smirk, almost as if he is plotting something.

Flustered, I formulate a reply but just as I'm about to correct this misunderstanding, I see Chiaki eavesdropping, also with a smirk.

"Oooh, Hajime has a crush??? On Nagito no less?" 

" No no, you guys have it all wrong," I say blushing, " I just bumped into him and we got to talking!"

"Hmmm, oh well I was starting to ship it," Chiaki says with a very disappointed face.

The conversation ended awkwardly, but I was still blushing.

Any feedback or constructive criticism is appreciated!!!

871 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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