Chapter 3

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It was the morning of the end of year match and that meant no lessons for the day. Yay! Unlike Callie, I hated school. If I was going to be the next big thing, I had to concentrate on more important things than how to factorise double brackets. I was also excited because we were going to play a school in Barton Hill and that would mean a great entertaining match. Both teams were amazing, so we will probably get some injuries on both teams. I hope Parkinson is hospitalised during the game. That will get him back for hurting Cory. It would also mean that I would get to see Maisy Oliver, the goalkeeper for the girl's team (yes, the girls will be playing too). I have had a crush on her since year 8 when she tried out for the girl's team.

I heard keys unlock our front door. Callie was here! Last year I gave Callie a spare set of our house keys for her birthday since she practically lived here anyways. I rushed down the stairs and hugged my best friend, making my parents emerge from their bedroom, Mum's bed head was legendary. "Can you keep it down, girls?" Dad mumbled from behind us.

"Hi, Stacey and Thomas," Callie said breaking free from my tight grasp.

"Mum, Dad, we will be upstairs getting ready for the match, we will be down in an hour." We ran up the stairs and entered my very cluttered room. Callie ran to my cupboard full of hair die and picked out a neon yellow and gave it to me. It was the colour I died my front strands this time every year for the football game. She put on the plastic gloves and started dying over the platinum blonde of my front strands. Once they were dyed, I curled Callie's hair and we did each other's makeup. We drew yellow bears on our cheeks, our school mascot, and put on our school's football shirts. Two years ago, Cory smuggled out two of the spare football shirts for us to wear. Callie tucked hers into a cream, pleated skirt whereas I wore it with my favourite pair of mom jeans.

We ran down the stairs, grabbed the picnic basket and then jumped into my parent's car where they were waiting for us. I held Callie's hand as we drove to the football match, I could tell Callie was upset about Coty being unable to play because her hazel eyes were filled with sadness and maybe even a touch of guilt. It wasn't her fault Cory can't play, it was that brat Parkinson, but I understood her disappointment, I mean Cory was like a brother to me, but we still had the girls match to look forward to. We could still see Maisy play.


We arrived just in time to watch the girls play. I was glad we didn't miss the start of the match. As soon as we were in the field, I looked around to see where the girls were playing. It was pitch 4. We ran towards the pitch and got there just before they got into the positions. I quickly went to wish Maisy good luck before she ran onto the pitch putting her blonde hair into a ponytail. The whistle blew, and the game started.

Callie and I were probably the most enthusiastic cheerers, it wasn't really a competition because they were only the football coaches of each team and a few parents. Maisy was probably the best player out there. She saved every goal, meaning we were probably going to win. The only problem was that every time Maisy saved a goal, she would look at me and wink, making my cheeks burn a bright red every single time. Callie noticed this and laughed. She had known about my crush on Maisy for a while now.

The game finished after about 30 minutes of playing and we won three-nil. I ran over to Maisy and squeezed her until she couldn't breathe. The boys game started 5 minutes later and there was no sign of Cory. He usually skips the girls match because he is embarrassed that they are miles better than him. He isn't sexist, I mean he has two girls for best friends, it's just that he is very competitive and hates anyone being better at his passion than him. I could see Callie was thinking the same as me because she was constantly checking her phone during the match. We still cheered the boys on, but not as enthusiastically as we usually do, we were both too busy wondering where Cory was.

"Hi, I have been looking for you for ages," a voice behind us said. We turned around to see a cheerful Maisy looking at us. "You aren't cheering very loud, I'm shocked."

"Cory isn't here yet," Callie replied.

"I'm not surprised, he can't play and he's mad, so why would he come to watch his team lose, it's too painful,"

"You're right, I hope he comes for the picnic though," I said.

"Hey Callie, mind if I borrow Lizzie for a second, I think we need to talk,"

"Sure, go ahead, she won't be missing much," Callie replied as Maisy and I walked off. She took me away from the field and to a secluded spot surrounded by luscious trees.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, confused. Then I realised, she has probably found out about my huge crush on her. Oh no. This is embarrassing, she probably isn't even gay.

"Uhm, I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time," she paused, and I noticed that she was playing with her hair and that her cheeks were painted crimson. Was she nervous? "Do you wanna, you know, go to Maccies with me at some point over the summer? I know it's nothing special but I don't have much money and I am not really the one for fancy dining." I couldn't suppress the look of shock on my face. Did she just ask me out? To McDonald's? Oh my god. What do I say? For once, I was speechless. "It doesn't matter, you are probably going to say no anyway. I think I'll leave now," she turned to walk away but I grabbed her by her wrist.

"No, I would love to," I said now grinning so hard she probably thought I was crazy, "I am going away for the second week of the holidays but maybe some point afterwards." I heard her sigh with relief, her cheeks no longer red.

"That would be great, I'll text you the details, not that there will be many, I mean it is Maccies."

I ran back to the pitch, excited to tell Callie the news. But when I got there, she wasn't alone. She was with a boy who had messy, dark blonde hair. It was Cory! He had come! I ran over and gave him a huge hug. He lifted me and spun me around. "Careful," I said, "You don't want to hurt that leg of yours."

"I'll be fine anyway what were you doing with Maisy," he said.

I grinned and told them both what happened they congratulated me. We then continued to watch the game and weren't surprised when we lost. 



I hope everyone is doing fine. 

I really enjoyed writing this chapter, so please tell me if you like it too.

-Darcey xx

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