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Sky Taylor has been a part of the BAU for 2 years and is good at what she is doing

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Sky Taylor has been a part of the BAU for 2 years and is good at what she is doing. What happens when she gets a call, that her younger sister, Hope, has been arrested for the murder of two girls?


The whole BAU Team was sitting in the bullpen, well except Hotch, he was sitting in his office.

They were all doing paperwork and it was getting pretty late. Hotch wanted to go to them and tell them, that they should go home, when a phone started ringing.

Everybody was looking at Sky because it was her phone.

"Hello?" she answers.

"Sky Taylor?" a voice answers.

"Umm yes, who is this?"

"This is the Police Department in Seattle. Your sister wanted us to call you."

"Okay and why do you need to call me? Is she drunk or something?"

"I'm sorry miss but your sister was arrested for the murder of two girls."

"WHAT?" she screams into the phone and now the whole Team was looking at her.

"I'm a FBI Agent I'm coming immediatly." I say calmly.

"We will be waiting for you Agent."

And after that the Department hung up.

Sky was looking at her Team, that was watching her. She wanted to say something but she needed a few minutes to calm her nerves.

"Taylor, what was that?" Hotch asked.

"That was the Police Department in Seattle. My sister was just arrested for the murder of two girls." Sky says to him.

The whole Team was just looking at her an didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry Hotch, but I need to go there right now. My sister isn't a murderer." she said, while she was packing her things to go.

"Taylor." Hotch says. But she didn't hear him, to lost in her mind.

He tried it again, but she didn't hear again.

"Sky." he says sternly and this time she looks at him, because he never calls her by her first name.

"What?" she asks whispering.

"We are a Team Taylor. We will go there together and we will solve this together. Understood?" he asks.

And just then she looks at her Team, which looks at her and realises that she will always have their backs.

"Alright let's do this."

On the Jet

"They just sent me the files to this case." JJ says as she comes from the back of the Jet.

"Ok, they were all killed with a bullet trough their head." Spencer says.

"And the two were 20 years old." Derek says.

"Alright, but why is my sister acussed? I mean she is the sweetest girl and the baddest thing she ever did was that she stole a bra as a teenager, but I gave her a bitter lecture after that, that she wouldn't do that ever again. Till today she never seen me angrier." Sky says.

"Really because of a bra?" Garcia asks over the laptop and Sky just giggles a little.

"That's what we need to find out." Hotch says and gives Sky a look to see if she's okay. She just gives him a nod and smile in return.

At the Police Department

"Hello, I am Agent Taylor. This is my boss SSA Aaron Hotchner and the Agents Jeraeu, Prentiss, Morgan, Rossi and Dr. Spencer Reid." Sky tells the Detective.

"Ah yes, hello, we spoke on the phone, Detective Morris." he introduces himself.

"Can I speak to her?" Sky asks in Hotch's direction and he nods. After that she turns to the detective and looks at him to turn the way.

The Detective brings Sky and Hotch to the interrogation room, where her sister is being held.

"Sky!" her sister says as they enter the room and sit down on the chairs.

"Hey Hope." she replies and gives her a look that says Are you out of your mind?

"Hello I'm SSA Hotchner and I'm here to help you." Hotch says as he observes her.

Hopes just gives him a nod and looks at her sister again and she knows the look so she just goes straight forward.

"Look, Sky, I didn't do anything. I was in my apartment and suddenly the Police stands before my door and arrest me because of murder. You know I didn't do anything. I'm still scared becuase of that lecture you gave me at 15." Hope says.

"I know. But you need to tell us everything." Sky replies and hopes that everything will be cleared in the next few Hours.

And so Hope begins to tell them everything, about college, about ex-boyfriends and more.

At the end it came out, that there was a girl that was jealous of her and wanted her gone.

Sky found it ridiculous but was just happy that her sister is out and free again.

On the jet back to Virginia

"You know Taylor, I want to hear the lecture you gave your sister, when you were younger. She was pretty scared when she told about it." Hotch says and gives her a devlish smile.

"Oohh yes i wanna hear it." Emily says as she sits herself down besides Sky.

"Okay, Okay. I just said that i would burn her phone, give her an electronic ancle cuff and, oh and, i said i would ban her in every fashion store to keep her under control." Sky says and laughs at the end.

"You were a mean sister." Rossi says.

"Reid do you have a statistic for that?" Morgan asks from behind you.

"Oh no no no no no. Reid I love you but I need sleep right now. And Dave?" she says "It worked in the end so it's all good."she replies to them before she falls asleep.

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