Mysterious Boy

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Rumor has it that your school is haunted with a highschooler around your age. While you stay after school to catch up on a subject, you hear a whisper in your ear. You freeze up, expecting to hear whispers of pain and anguish, instead you hear the answers to your homework.


Part 1

And that is how you solve for x. Any questions?

Math, my least favorite class of the day, but my favorite subject. This class is going to kill me. I am a freshman in highschool, but in a junior class. They all think theyre all high and mighty just because they are older than me. I say boof. Most of the class is boys, which is intimidating. Whats weird is that I am the same height as the junior girls. Its like Im normal, but really, I'm less than normal. I am the girl who sits against a tree reading, while eating a sandwich my mom made me. I only have one friend and she is the bestest friend I could ever have. This kid, Carter, pulls me out of my thoughts.

Whats up Kit Fox?

They call me that because my name is Kit and Im younger; kit fox. Its very stupid, but so are they.

Whats up Carter?

Will you do my homework for me?

Wow, you really are that stupid. You think that I'm gonna do your homework for you? Boy are you wrong.

Its really fun making him mad. I dont do it very often cuz he is a football player and could kill me in one swing. His football buddies come up beside him.

Did you hear what she said, Frank? She wont do my homework for me. Thats a shame.

I pack up my things and get ready to leave. His buddies surround me and growl.

You guys think you can scare me?

No, but the school ghost can.

The school ghost, thats a good story. Basically, there was this kid who was murdered in the janitor closet. It was said that he still haunts the school. Blah, blah, blah. I do believe in ghosts, but they dont scare me. Plus, the ghost could be really nice, I dont know.

Wrong again. You people really need to do your research.


Thats my que. Good day gents.

I pull my backpack onto my shoulder and walk away, flicking my light brown ponytail in their faces. I keep my head down and walk to the library. My mom and dad both work, so I do my homework in the library for 2 hours, usually.

Hi Kit.

Hello Kit.

Sup Kit.

I hate this. As soon as I came to this school, everybody knew who I was. I dont know why. Its like I stick out like a sore thumb. I sense someone tall come behind me and I whip around, getting into my fighting stance. Nothing. Nobody is there. And yes, I mightve taken multiple self defense classes, including karate and jiu jitsu. People are staring and I never have any idea why. I turn back around with my head down and continue to walk into the library. The librarian, Mrs. Granger, loves me. I think she claimed me as her own. The library is fairly big. Nobody uses it, so I always have the place to myself. I check in with Mrs. Granger and head to the back. We have bean bag chairs, but most people dont know that. I plop into a light blue one and pull out my homework. I close my eyes and breath deeply. I always meditate before starting my homework. It calms me down from the school day. Thats the thing, everybody knows me, but I dont know them. My family and I moved from London to California because of my grandma. She passed away, alone. It still hurts me that we werent there as she died. She was my favorite grandma. She was the kind of grandma that would secretly give you sweets under the table. The kind that would give you $100 on your birthday, the kind that would listen to you spill tea and even join in. She had so many stories about how she met Grandpa. Its one of my favorite love stories. One of the things I do to remember her is that I try to be brave. She always told me to stand up for myself, even if I would get hurt. She was a powerful woman. I open my eyes again and pull out math. Its the easiest subject and the material is fresh in my brain. I successfully finished all problems, but one. For some reason, I am stuck. I have never been stuck before.


I look next to me and I see a boy older than me sitting in a bean bag chair. Weird, I didnt see him come in.

24? Can you show me how? For some reason, I'm stuck.

He floats up in shock. Floats?

You can see me?


I love this one too!! I would love to continue this one. So, plz vote for it.

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