Chapter Twenty Three: The Ugly Truth

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This chapter is the end of part 1 if this book. When part 2 starts -unlike the Italian Belle which saw Nick through childhood- we will be meeting Cole and Leen in their teenage years.

Happy reading!

Freya's POV
Courtney has a check list and so far she looks happy. Without her I would be hopeless. She's very organized. Every this she does down to her steps are calculated. She's the best friend everyone needs in their corner. She never disappoints. She threw me the most beautiful baby shower and even got Francis to attend. It was great and th gifts were just too overwhelming. We had to set up a spare room for that. The months have flown by fast. It feels like I blinked once and I found myself here in the delivery room with pains I didn't think possible.

I have so much respect for any mommy who chose to take the natural birth option. Court says she can't wait for the challenge. She likes to remind me that she descends from vikings. At first I didn't get it because she's Scottish but apparently her mother's side of the family is from the former Scandinavia area. She likes to remind so when there's a challenge on the table. She calls herself a warrior. She's funny but the strongest person I know. Today I need her strength.

I groaned out in pain holding onto the bed for support. "I think I will die today Court."

"No you won't."

"I'm pushing out two babies!"

"The first one will be difficult but the second one will glide right out!" She assured me like she has experience in this. Court can fool anyone into believing she has done it all. She doesn't allow cluelessness to shut her up.

When Francis and I found out we are going to have twins, he was excited. He was even happier when he found out it will be a boy and a girl. I was not excited because I am the one who is doing the hard work. He will receive his babies and be happy while I recover from the shock of my life. I groaned again.

"Why did you two choose matching names?" She asked but I'm past conversation. She saw it on my face. The contractions are too close together. It's almost time. "Getting closer. I'll get the doctor-"

"Wait!" I gripped her arm struggling to hold a conversation when my womb is trying to kill me. "If I die, make sure Francis doesn't marry a bimbo. It can't be that woman who works with him. You can have all my clothes and jewelry."

She laughed softly. "Freya, you won't die. As for your clothes, no offense honey they are dull. You're too safe and my boobies won't fit in your tops! But the jewelry I do want. I'll go get Francis and the doctor."

I can't even sit down.

I wonder how much longer I have to wait to give birth. We have already picked names. I picked Coleen for our daughter. Francis picked Nora for her middle name and he decide to name the boy Cole Michael. It's the best picked set of names in my opinion. Matching first names and inherited middle names. He says it can be a tradition. If they have children of their own, they can carry it forward.

I'm thinking way ahead of myself. I should push them out first.

"Mrs Harrington, I'm going to need you to lie down now. Let's see how dilated you are. The contractions must be really close now."

I leaned on the bed and nodded. I tried to hum. She helped me get in the bed. The first time the doctor asked me to spread my legs I was very uncomfortable. Francis had to talk me through it. He's not here. We went to birthing classes together. He's supposed to be my labor buddy but he's not here.

"Can I push?" I asked.

"Eight centimeters! Very good! I'll get the team in here and we can get started. Do you want the father in the room?"

The Harrington Series Book #1 The Winter BrideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora