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TONY: But first, he wanted to put a few miles oh his soul... before he parked it behind a desk. See the world, Maybe be of service. Charlie didn't want to go to Vegas or Fort Lauderdale which is what I would do. He didn't go to Paris or Amsterdam, which sounds fun. He decided to spend his summer building sustainable housing for the poor, Guess where. Sokovia. (SILENCE)

TONY: He wanted to make a difference, I suppose. I mean we won't know because we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass. (LONG SILENCE)

TONY: There's no decision-making process here.
We need to be put back in check! Whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, If we're boundary-less... we're no better than the bad guys.

STEVE: Tony, someone dies on your watch, you don't give up.

TONY: Who said we're giving up?

STEVE: We are if we're not taking responsibility for our actions. This document just shifts the blame.
RHODY: I'm sorry, Steve. That.. That is dangerously arrogant. This is the United Nations we're talking about. It's not the World Security Council, it's not S.H.E.I.L.D., it's not H.Y.D.R.A., (CUT OFF BY STEVE)

STEVE: No but it's run by people with agendas, and agendas change.

TONY: That's good. That's why I'm here. When I realized what my weapons were capable of in the wrong hands... I shut it down and stopped manufacturing.

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