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Don't screw this up, Larry, he told himself. It was after Bowser had yelled at him and Larry laid in bed, scowling at the ceiling. He was always yelled at. Well, he reasoned with himself, there was that one time Bowser yelled at Roy for being a big jerkface. But still.

He failed Bowser.

I won't fail him again, he vowed. I will beat that plumber once and for all.

"Koopalings!" yowled Bowser from downstairs. "Urgent meeting. Now!"

Larry got off his bed and then staggered down the stairs into their meeting room. He shot a rather bitter look towards his father but settled down. "We're going to capture Peach once again, but I want you—all of you—to create the rest of the plan. Then, when I come back, I'm going hear whatever plan you come up with, and then we'll modify it. Then we can carry it out, alright? You have twenty minutes." Bowser left from the giant chair and stalked out the door.

It was a good thing that Larry was constantly scheming. He already had a plan. "I have an idea," he offered, but Roy dismissed him.

"I have an idea," said Wendy happily.

"So? Let's hear it, Miss Priss." Roy snorted as she whipped her head around to glare at him.

"Shut it, Roy." Ludwig rubbed his eyes tiredly. "It's too early for this."

"Guys, I think my i—" Larry tried again.

"Oh! Oh!" Lemmy jumped up and down in his seat. "Whatever Miss Priss has to say, it's probably not important! I have an EVEN BETTER IDEA!"

"You haven't even heard mine," said Wendy crossly.

"Maybe if you'd let me talk for one second," muttered Larry under his breath. He grabbed a napkin. Next to the napkin holder was a cup of pens. Why does Bowser even have a bunch of stupid pens? Oh well. Might as well use it to my advantage. He sketched out his ideas and checked the giant ticking clock on the wall. Fifteen minutes.

"Guys, we have a limited number of time," Iggy pointed out, almost reading Larry's thoughts. "We should get cracking on this plan." The table pretty much exploded as all the other Koopalings started yelling at each other. Larry glanced around helplessly.

"OK!" shouted Ludwig finally. "ALRIGHT, FINE. STOP IT. Gosh! Now, if you want to talk, then you have to use the magical pencil."

Lemmy whined, "Why not a pen? If someone's being annoying then I can draw on them with the pencil but they can erase it. At least a pen will leave a pretty good mark."

"Fine, whatever! Larry, do you have any ideas?" Perhaps Ludwig finally realized that Larry hadn't been able to speak because of his stupid brothers. Oh great! thought Larry bitterly. Ludwig finally gets a good idea—letting Larry speak for once without being interrupted. So now, after being ignored, he gets to talk when they could have been working on the plan two minutes ago. His blood boiled.

"Yes, I do," he snapped. "But maybe if y'all would SHUT UP for ONE MINUTE then I'd TELL IT TO YOU."

"Then tell it to us, you nerd." Roy smirked. Larry glared at him.

"Okay! I'll tell it you, Sir Pompous-Sneerdegard." Roy gaped in surprise at the insult and Larry desperately wanted to flip him off but decided against it. "Okay, we've tried all the usual approaches so maybe we should wait till the stupid Mario bros actually leave the castle. All the time we bust in and they're always there with Peach. When they leave, then we can sneak in and grab her. The only problem is that Whatshisface is probably going to see us and try to stop us from grabbing Peach and flying away with her. And we can't use a ship. We need to be stealthier, so we're going to need something smaller. As in, we're going to need to 'borrow' the Koopa Clown Car."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2021 ⏰

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