You Don't Need Words To Speak

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Reggie wasn't entirely sure why his brain had chosen that moment to break down. Sure Alex and Luke were going at it and fights had a way of sending him spiraling, but Luke and Alex always had little spats.

They both had strong personalities that sometimes clashed. Reggie was used to it. Plus he knew that the boys loved each other to death and they had never turned their anger towards him.

Alex and Luke bickering hadn't caused Reggie to have a break down in years. Well, years before they died. This shouldn't have been any different. And yet his lungs didn't agree, because one minute his boys were going at it like an old married couple and the next Reggie couldn't breathe.

His day had been pretty average with nothing that would have caused him to be particularly susceptible to a break down, not that he was aware of anyway. They had spent some time while Julie was at school working on adding and fixing different instrument parts to a song they had finished the lyrics to a few days ago. They had the volume pretty low but were forced to stop when Ray had walked into the garage and flicked off the stereo they had made sure to keep on to deflect suspicion.

After their jam session had been cut off Luke decided to go see his parents and Alex took the opportunity to search the streets for Willie. Reggie wanted to hang with Ray for a bit.

When the boys got back he was happy to see that Luke's eyes weren't as red and puffy as they had been after previous visits and his friend seemed happy. He wished he could say the same for ALex who, Reggie could tell at first glance, had not been successful in finding their friend. And after two months of searching it seemed like Alex was starting to give up.

Luckily Julie arrived home not too long after and they were able to start rehearsing, which seemed to take Alex's mind off of the Willie situation, he was still severely stressed though and so when Luke began to start getting picky about the music he didn't receive any calming comfort from his best friend. Instead Alex silently seethed as Luke continuously changed the same music passage 21 times (and yes Reggie was counting).

They all knew Luke was a music snob. He was very critical of everything including their own work and he had a tendency to strive for a better sound. While it definitely helped the band improve it also got in their way when Luke was feeling a little too indecisive. What they had sounded great, but it could always sound better to Luke and sometimes he didn't quite know when it was time to move on. Alex or Reggie unusually helped. If they could get him to take a break or focus in on an area that sounded a lot worse for wear then they could get his one track mind to narrow in on something else. But Alex wasn't in the mood to be of any help and the more he heard the same guitar riff and lyrics the more his mind unraveled.

And then he snapped.

"Luke! Knock it off already. You are driving me insane!"

"I'm just trying to get this right! This isn't working."

"It sounded fine the first time we played it. And the second, and the third."

"Fine isn't good enough Alex. It needs to be perfect."

Julie had glanced over at Reggie and they had shared an eye roll and a smirk. They had all had this argument with Luke at one point or another, it would fizzle and die as quickly as it had started and they would move on to a different song so that they could look back at this one with fresh eyes later. But instead of fading things just got worse.

"Why can't you just give it a rest and let it work itself out."

"Because some of us actually care about this band's success."

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