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"Hold still!" Raven hissed through clenched teeth, her violet eyes narrowing with determination. She could feel the raw energy surging through her as she pressed her hands firmly against the changeling's back, her palms emitting a faint ethereal glow. Her fingers tingled with the pulsating force of her healing abilities, ready to mend the wound that marred Beast Boy's skin.

Beast Boy couldn't help but squirm under Raven's touch, his body instinctively reacting to the discomfort caused by the pressure on the sensitive cut. "Ouch!" He winced, his face contorted in pain.

Raven let out an exasperated sigh, her voice laced with frustration. "If you would just hold still long enough for me to heal you, you wouldn't be in so much pain." She admonished, irritation eminent in her tone. With unwavering determination, she pressed her hands back onto his spine, focusing her energy with restored concentration.

"It's not my fault Robin's stupid disk thingy missed the target during training." Beast Boy grumbled, his voice conveying a hint of resentment as he tried to find solace in placing the blame elsewhere.

Raven's eyes flashed with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. "As I recall, he aimed perfectly at the target. You just got in the way." She countered, her voice laced with a subtle teasing tone. Her hands glowed brighter as she channeled her healing powers into the wound, infusing it with a soothing energy that began to mend the damaged flesh.

"Whatever." Beast Boy huffed defensively as the healing process continued and a sense of tranquility washed over him. He gradually relaxed, his muscles no longer tensed against Raven's touch. The pain began to subside, replaced by a gentle warmth that emanated from her hands. "At least this one will leave a cool battle scar."

Raven arched an eyebrow in response as she finished healing his cut. She watched as the wound closed seamlessly under her touch, leaving a small scar as a trace of its existence. Her gaze then shifted back to Beast Boy, her expression a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "Battle scar?" She questioned, moving towards the kitchen sink, turning on the faucet and washing away the small amount of blood that had stained her hands.

"Yeah, you know, the scars you obtain in battle." Beast Boy elaborated, his voice brimming with enthusiasm as he hopped off the stool. "They show how fierce of a warrior you are."

Raven dried her hands as she listened to his reasonings, conveying a mixture of fascination and bemusement at his explanation. She couldn't resist challenging his claim, knowing well that many of his scars were the result of their everyday misadventures. "Most of your scars weren't even obtained in battle." She pointed out, her arms crossing over her chest.

"They were too!" Beast Boy retorted, his voice slightly raised. He felt the need to prove himself, to establish that his scars carried weight and significance.

Raven raised an eyebrow, maintaining her calm demeanor as she watched a flurry of gestures. Beast Boy pointed to each scar, recounting their origins with pride. He turned around, exposing the mark on the back of his neck. "See? That was from Cinderblock." He continued, his finger moving to the scar on his shoulder. "This one was Jinx. And this one on my head..." He lifted his bangs, revealing the mark. "Mumbo. And this one on my chin..." Beast Boy tilted his head, his voice trailing off momentarily. "Well, that was from you. But I still think it counts."

Raven shook her head slightly, a small, amused smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she watched Beast Boy spin around, his voice animated with enthusiasm as he recounted the origins of his scars.

"Gizmo did that. Mammoth did that. And well... you did that one." Beast Boy babbled on, his finger darting from scar to scar as if conducting a symphony of battle stories.

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