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- hey. i'm avina, i'm 16 , i currently have a boyfriend, we've been together for 2 years. his name is killius. my family is crazy & i have mental issues.

//7:00 AM// 𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓭𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮.
i woke up to my parents throwing shit at each other. it's 7 in the fucking morning. but its raining. i
love rain. i get out of bed and grab my towel, i head to the bathroom, take a shower and do all my hygiene. i finish in around 35 minutes then decide to do my hair, i straighten my curls and do my eye makeup and a coat of lipgloss. it's march 8th 2019 today, that's just amazing. i call my mom and let her know i'm ready to go to school. she gets ready and off we go.
i moved back in january, so now i live across town from where i go to school. it's kinda sucky. i also used to live a block away from killius but now i never see him. i saw him last week tho, we ended up fucking & i'm not sure how to feel. it was raw.

— i arrive to school and go in through the front door, the campus monitors check my school i.d. i go to my first block and sit through miss velazquez's lecture, i'm tired. we don't do much but watch a few videos and go through a slide show. my first block ends and the bell rings, i head over to my 2nd block, i have this one with killius . i walk into class and sit down at my desk, killius usually sat next to me but today he didn't. i'm concerned because he also hasn't been answering my snaps or texts and now he's distancing himself from me. i take deep breath's and calm down. we go on our break and he still ignores me . i'm not even trying to talk to him, what's the point. he usually walks me to my 3rd class but today he didn't. i followed him and asked him what was up and his only response was "i can't" i asked him what he meant and he broke up with me. i'm so sad. my heart shattered. i've been with him for 2 years. and now it's all just over? he just threw it all away . he noticed i'm crying and immediately dropped to the ground right next to me and tried to comfort me. "please don't cry" he says , "i'm sorry" he says. i can't fathom any words to say to him. i just cry. i begin punching the tile floor, busting my knuckles open. he grabs my hand and pulls it away from the floor. he holds my hand and kisses my knuckles. this is ridiculous. he just broke up with me and is already finding more ways to hurt. why is he being so caring and loving when we both know it's just going to hurt worse. we get called into the counselors office since we were sitting in the hall and not in class. i begin crying even more & he has the audacity to kiss me all over my face and promise things will get better. but this is lowkey my last straw. i was holding on for him. i get that we're in high school and all but he became like my drug. we sit in the office for a few hours until we get told to go to our last class. he kisses my forehead and walks me to class. i don't understand what the point is of all this bull fuckery. how are you gonna break up with me and then continue to act like we're a couple and everything is okay. i cry more in class and decide to just leave. i can't be here right now. it hurts so bad. i get up and walk out of the classroom and head outside. it's still raining, i put my hood on over my head so the water doesn't touch my hair that i had to straighten this morning.. it's all for killius. the way i dress and present myself is all for him, and i hate that it's like that. i used to be so independent but when i was at my lowest killius came along and fixed me. now that it's over, who will i cry to? who will help me when i really need it? who will i be able to turn to at any point and get comforted? nobody now. i walk home , it's only a 20 minute walk. when i arrive home i still have tears pouring out of my eyes. but i notice someone moving into the house next door. that house has been vacant since before i lived over here, when i used to drive by there was always a for sale sign. but now i see people moving in, a teenage boy none the less. i analyze him up and down. then he turned and looked at me, so i ran inside. he's kind of attractive, but it's barely been 4 hours since killius left me. i decide to go lay down and try to gather my thoughts.
-time skip-
6:56 pm
𝓪𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓭𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮
i hear a knock on my front door, and i know neither of my parents are home and dogs can't fucking knock. i'm praying that it isn't killius, i couldn't handle seeing his face . i get up and go answer the door, it's the boy i seen earlier. he holds his hand out for me to shake. i shake his hand and he introduces himself to me. "hey, im jahseh, i saw you earlier and decided that i wanted to come and introduce myself." i blush and reply, "my name is avina." "avina? that's really pretty, just like you, unless you have a man.. then forget what i said" i laugh off the comment and say "no i don't have one it's okay to compliment me" he chuckles and asks "why not? who wouldn't want you" i roll my eyes, he's being so forward and our vibes just seem to go together very well. "so what are you up to miss avina?" i roll my eyes again, "i was just chilling in my room because i'm home alone" "oh for real? i'll keep you company" he smirked . i want to replace the heart break i'm feeling so i decide to give him a chance. the worst that could happen is we don't get along. so i let him in and we went down to my room. my dogs are in the backyard because that's where my parents keep them during the day. but since i have company i'm not letting them in. me and jahseh get to my room and both sit down. he sits down in the chair by my desk & i sit on my bed. i'm glad i cleaned my room last night otherwise there would be a bunch of depression piles. he pipes up and says "your room is a vibe. but this chair has my back fucked up, can i lay down" i roll my eyes and say "yes come lay down" i pat the empty side of the bed. he gets up and flops onto my bed. i laugh and put on a movie. "is this a horror movie??" he asked me. i said "yeah that's one thing you should know, i'm a horror freak" he smiled "i like that" i blushed and laid down. i chose the ring which is kinda a scary movie not gonna lie. but we got almost half way through the movie when i heard a knock on the front door along with the door bell being rang multiple times. i got scared and hid under my blanket. it's almost 9 now and my parents aren't coming home for a bit since they had to fly out to california for their "business" which is really just a drug ring but i pretend i don't know to avoid conflict . jahseh pipes up, "do you want me to go check? i don't like that you're wigged out like that." i nodded my head and said "i'll come with you, but you need to stand in front because i don't fuck with that type of shit" he said "alright i gotchu bae" i smacked his back playfully and we went up the stairs. the doorbell was still being rung and the door was still being knocked on frantically. i made jahseh open it. it was killius .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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