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2 months later

"Do I have to switch classes, Mr. Tomley?" Autumn sighed and listened as her teacher explained how she was well above the grade level of the class she was in.

"It's for the best, Ms.Outon."

Autumn sighed and made her way out of the class. She took one look at all the students in there and laughed at the ones who were shouting 'goodbyes' to her.

Room 504......

When she finally found the room she was looking for she sighed and opened the door slowly. Soon after she felts eyes drift to her and then they were gone. You could only hold the attention of a room full of seniors for so long.

Autumn, being the awkward person she is, stood by the door and waited to be adressed by the teacher. Her fingers grabbed for her short brown hair and started to twirl it on her finger.

"Ms.Outon I would appreciate it if you took a seat." Autumn snapped out of her trance when the sharp voice hit her ears. Her gaze followed the pointed finger that belonged to the teacher and she nodded her head as she went to take her seat.

This class doesn't seem that bad.

After the thought passed through her head the girl sat down and smiled, not even taking notice to the girl only four seats away.

FreefallOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora