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A few weeks ago Shirabu got a letter that he was accepted in Shiratorizawa. He studied hard for it,since he doesnt got a school scholarship for his sport performance. 

So now there he is. At the front gate of Shiratorizawa with his baggage since they have dorms. 'Welp here goes nothing.' He thinks to himself.

The ceremony is boring. The principal just says how lucky the persons are to attend the school. Shirabu looks around to see if he sees someone he knows, but he dont sees anyone. So his concentration went back to the principal.

After that was over and they get their classes and dorms assigned the first years are allowed to  look around the campus. Shirabu decides to go to his dorm first, hoping that he gets a roommate who isnt shit.

He arrives at his dorm room. He opens the door. "Hello?" No answer. Maybe he wasnt here yet. Shirabu decides to put his stuff in his room and explore a little. He can unpack later.

He leaves the dorms and walks to the gym for Volleyball. He already played in middle school. So why not continue. He isnt bad at Volleyball. No actually really good. He was the start setter, so maybe he could be the start setter here too.

He peeks inside the gym. There are all the regular players inside. 'Wow theyre all so good' He stares for a few seconds. 'Do I even have a chance to be the main setter? Which one of them is the setter?' He looks around to find someone who was practicing his sets but he sees no one.

All of the sudden he feels a tap on the shoulders. He quickly turns around. He sees a guy. He has messy ash blonde hair with dark tips. It was very messy. His eyes are brown and sharply shaped. He has a relatively large build, but it wasnt much more than Shirabu.

"Hey. Who are you?" The boy asks him. "I- uhh I m Shirabu Kenjirou, first year." The taller boy looks down and then up again. "Semi Eita, second year and start setter of Shiratorizawa."

'So hes the setter, huh..' Shirabu thinks. "Pleasure to meet you. I played as setter in middle school." Shirabu said to Semi and Semis expression changes quickly. "Well then Shirabu-kun it was nice to meet you. I hope youre joining the club. See you around." Semi disappears into the gym. 'Should I really join?' 

Shirabu looks back the last time and then went back to his dorm. The whole time he thinks about if he should join or not. Once he reaches his dorm and opens the door he saw an unfamiliar person. "Uh hi?" The person looks over to Shirabu. "Oh Hi Im Kawanishi Taichi." Kawanishi bows. "Uhhh you dont need to bow. Im Shirabu Kenjirou. Nice to meet you..."

Shirabu closes the door and went to his room. He doesnt want to talk to Taichi right now.

He sits on his bed and scrolls trough his phone. 30 minutes passed and Shirabu decides to unpack his things. He plugs in his earphones-mother mother hayloft.

He finishes unpacking after a while and lays down on his bed again. In this moment his roommate came into his room. "Hey Shirabu. Can I ask you something?" Shirabu lookes at Taichi. "Okay?"

"What are your pronouns?" Shirabus eyes widen. "W-why are you asking?" Taichi chuckles a bit.  "I heard you singing a song from mother mother and mostly people use different pronouns as their sex. I use They/Them." Shirabu sighes in relive. "Oh god I thought you were transphobic or some shit. Anyways Im using He/They."

"Well I would be the last person who is transphobic. Anyway thanks for telling me your pronouns. Are you okay when I use 'They' around other people, because you seemed nervous when I asked maybe you dont want me to use them in front of everyone." They says smiling to Shirabu. "oh no no no I should thank you for telling me. I dont want to missgender you! And also yeah you can use they pronouns in front of everyone except my parents. But you wont meet them anyways." Shirabu says very fast. He seems a bit nervous. "Okay. Are they against it?" Shirabu nodded. "Oh im sorry your parents dont accept you" "Oh dont be. Its okay,"

The room went silent before Taichi speaks up again."Did you already decide what club your joining?" Shirabu thinks. "I think of joining the volleyball club." Shirabu looks away. "Me too!" Taichi says exited. Shirabu smiles a bit.

'Why do I feel so bad for joining the volleyball club. I mean I love to play and I would love to be the start setter.' Shirabu feels really bad for wanting to take Semi Eita's place as start setter, but he wants to show them that he can do something. So he decides. He will join the club and show who is the better setter.

Since its already 11 PM Shirabu is tire, so he goes to go to bed. 

'I hope thats a good decision.' These are his last thoughts before drifting to sleep. 

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