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Luda Mae had gotten Jasper a juice box and some candy to keep him happy while the two women waited for Hoyt to pick them up early. Luda was used to this, meeting strangers, bringing them home and eventually killing and eating them, but she was already getting attached to them, especially her little boy. The women talked until Hoyt arrived, and from what Renee could tell, she lived with her son and brothers, but they all called her mama. She also discovered her son was shy and had a skin condition, maybe he'd like a friend like Jasper, the boys could be shy together.
"So how old is your boy? Would he like Jasper do you think?" Renee asks as she uses a handkerchief to wipe up her sons face as he had spilt the juice when luda suddenly bursts out laughing.
"Oh honey, he's a grown boy." Renee blushes hard at the realisation. "He's definitely gonna like you hun." Luda adds with a slight smirk. Renee chews her lip looking away, she wasn't exactly looking for that sort of thing, that was exactly what she was getting away from. Before anything else was said, Hoyt was honking outside the shop. "Hurry up woman." He growls to himself waiting for them.

"Oh, that'll be uncle Charlie. Okay you two follow us now Hun okay?"

Renee nods softly and picks up Jasper, Luda smiles at them, hesitant to let them follow, what a perfect little pair. She gets into the car with Hoyt, buckling herself in.
"They for dinner?" Hoyt smirks, but it falls when he sees Luda looking distracted, "Mama! Don't go getting soft on me now." Luda looks over at him, she wasn't sure about this.
"She's got a little boy Hoyt. A little boy just like Tommy."
"Well we don't need another Tommy! He's slow mama, he's stupid and he's just in the way."
"You take that back, we would starve without that boy he is an angel!" Hoyt only growls and starts driving.

Renee was following close behind when she says to her son.
"We are guests in these people's home okay? Best behaviour like always..." She chews her lip and briefly looks back at him "Okay baby?" He nods shyly and smiles making her heart melt.

Thomas was in the basement, butchering the meat they had to store for later or use for dinner. They hadn't had visitors in a while, so when Hoyt had said he was leaving to pick up Luda and some guests, he assumed it would go the same as always, serve them dinner, trap them, and they would make tomorrows meal. The strong man carried meat wrapped in brown paper, putting the meat in the fridge ready for cooking when mama was home, he heard the rumble of the old police car and looks over his shoulder, this was his cue to hide away until the right time.
"Tommy, come on out now we have visitors!" Thomas slightly peaks from his hiding spot.
"Come on boy, you look too messy for guests." She reaches up pulling off his bloody apron, untying it from his waist. He frowns at her wide eyed, watching as she brushes at his chest and shoulders, then using a handkerchief to wipe at his mask and exposed face.
"You want to make a good impression don't you?" Before Thomas could answer her he heard a quiet, angelic voice.
"Where can I put our things Luda?" Thomas' eyes snap up, fallen upon the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He bashfully looks away, feeling his face warming and heart speeding.
"Oh, hi dear, Tommy here will show you the guest room." Luda looks back at Thomas "Won't you sweetie?" He was thrown off by her new attitude but nods softly, taking the woman's bag from her, she was looking at him wide eyed, guilty or afraid, the way most people looked at him. He sighs walking upstairs letting her follow.

Renee shyly follows the large man, hugging her son tightly to her chest, not wanting to be rude she speaks quietly.
"Your mom seems very fond of you... Thomas." She gulps slowly when the man comes to a halt, not speaking or turning to look at her, before continuing. "When she said she had a son named Thomas, I thought she meant a little boy..." Renee laughs nervously.

Luda was preparing the meat Tommy had butchered for her, readying the family and guests a meal.
"Now Charlie, don't you be telling that girl nothing about this meat okay?" Hoyt scoffs.
"I don't understand mama, why are we not killin' them? 'Cause of that boy? We don't need another good for nothin' ret-"
"What did I say about calling him or Tommy that?!" She snaps at him, creating an immediate silence afterwards, in time to hear Renee's sweet laugh.
"That's why we're keepin' em. Listen to that, she's already getting along with Tommy, and he deserves a nice wife."
"A wife?" He bursts into laughter. "Mama, that girl is laughing at your boy. She's a stranger and a whore if she's already with children." Those words earn him a warning slap to the face.

Thomas oddly liked the sound of the girls laugh, it quickly disappeared at the thought that she might be laughing at him. He begrudgingly opened the door opposite his mamas, carrying her stuff inside and dropping it down, now annoyed at her.
"Tell me about yourself Tommy." He growls when she uses his nickname, watching as her face saddens, almost painted with guilt, in the corner of his eye. She began setting up Jasper's travel cot, Thomas watching her with curious eyes, suddenly feeling something tugging on his pants. He looks down, spotting the curly haired blonde boy, putting his arms up to him. The masked man frowns , before carefully picking him up, holding him out with straight arms. Jasper scans his face silently, before reaching out and touching at his mask making the man behind it panic.
"Thomas! Put it down! You'll break him." Hoyt snaps, smacking the back of his head, making a growl produce from Thomas's throat. He puts down the boy and glares at Hoyt. "Mama asked me to call you down. Foods ready."

Everyone gathers around the table, taking their seats and praising Luda for her cooking.
"Everyone, time for grace, and then we dig in."

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