Chapter 24

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*** So I could not help myself, I needed to add some more. I know, so many updates, when will she stop?? Well, I will be busy tomorrow, so I may not have a new chapter for a couple days, so hopefully this satisfies you all for a little while. 

PS... Adult content... ;)  **** Please comment, I like to know what my lovelies are thinking when they read my stories... Thank you!!! 


Chapter 24

"Ellis honey, wake up." Mathias's smooth and low voice echoed into my dream and it was just getting good too. We were sitting in a meadow on a red and blue checkered blanket. He was feeding me chocolate covered strawberries while I undid his shirt. Then 'BAM'... back to reality.

I slowly opened my eyes and smiled when I took in his state. He had a five o'clock shadow and his hair was all out of sorts, but he was still very gorgeous, if not more so. I made a mental note to talk to him about him leaving a little scruff on his face.

"No, I want to go back to my dream." I pulled the stark white hospital blanket that stank of bleach over my head and that was a bad move. I pushed it away and reached for the bucket next to me, dry heaving as I had nothing in my stomach.

Mathias was there holding the bucket for me as my body wretched and contorted from the pressure. "Calm down baby, let it go."

Once my body relaxed he took the bucket into the bathroom and took care of it and then brought me back a rag to clean up with. "Thank you honey." My words came out muttered as I was now suddenly tired again.

He pulled a half smile and kissed my forehead. "It's the least I can do for getting you pregnant. I want to take care of you forever, through morning sickness and health." He laughed out.

"Help me up, I want to test out my leg." I put out my hand and he took it. When I put pressure on my casted foot, I noticed that there was no pain, my leg was completely healed. "So now how do I get this thing off of me?"

I continued to walk round the room, making sure I was right in thinking that it was healed.

"You should probably keep it on and use crutches tonight at the ceremony, don't want anyone thinking you have some magical healing power or something."

"Hardie-har-har, fine, but then how does it come off?"

"Your dad Jackson should have a cast saw or something and if not, we will rig something up." He remarked while shrugging his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes. "So reassuring that something can be 'rigged up' to cut this blasted thing off of me."

There was a knock on the door and I quickly got back in bed in time for the doctor to come in. He was holding a clip board and didn't notice as I fumbled with the blanket, pulling it back over my 'broken' leg.

"How are we feeling this morning?" He was very chipper and seemed to be in a good mood. I hoped that this meant that he was going to let me go home now.

"I am feeling just fine, when can I go home? I have my graduation this afternoon."

He nodded and looked again to the clip board and smiled back at me. "Well, you didn't have any contractions or anything throughout the night, so we will be releasing you now. Can I just have you sign this release form; we will let you be on your way. Oh, and we will need to see you back in about 4 weeks to check on the leg."

I just nodded as he did before and signed the release form.

Mathias grabbed up my belongings as a nurse came in with a wheelchair to take me down to the car. I could not wait to get home and graduate. It was just another step bringing me closer to marrying Mathias.

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