Chapter 1: A Dead Man's Bluff

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Artemis always hated walking up in the morning. Even more so when the pain in his elbow was almost as bad as the pain in his head.

"Ugh... fuck."

He mumbled, his body ached. Reaching instinctively with his right arm, which was not the first mistake he made in the moment. As the pain of a recently reconstructed broken elbow shot through his body as he bent his arm. The throbbing behind his forehead spiked.


He mumbled, changing his mind on which arm he's using he checked the alarm clock.

"Shit. I'm late.."

He grunts as he pushes himself off the bed with his one good arm. His long, silky coat was always sticky in the morning. Sliding sideways out of the bed, leaving a small mess of limbs behind him as he stretched upwards. He rolled his shoulders backwards, feeling a soft pop in both of them he let out a long, wide jawed yawn. His tongue rolling in his dry mouth as he walks on into his kitchen. Filling a glass of water and downing it in moments as he walks past his kitchen into the bathroom, turning the shower on he glances at himself as he passes by the mirror.

"Hmph... I need a trim"

He mumbles, pushing his fur back over his head so he can see his eyes, his left eye a dull grey, while his right eye a sharp blue. After stepping back, his bulky form of close to two hundred centimeters fills the full length mirror.

"...I really need a trim."

He sighs. Glancing at the digital clock on the wall he shrugs.

"I'm already late, might as well turn up late and presentable."

He steps into the shower.

After ten minutes pass the shower is turned off. Then a heated blower starts. Moments later, a rather fluffy Artemis steps out of the shower block. Grabbing some product to keep his over long fur out of his eyes, he simply slicks it back as he walks back into the kitchen. Where he sees some of that mass of limbs begin to grab clothes.

"Feel free to use my shower, folks."

He waved as he walked back into the bedroom, walking over to his closet he swung the doors open. Grabbing a simple slightly faded t-shirt with his bands logo on it; a skull half burned, smiling at the person looking at it with flaming blue eyes. "Ash Makers" Written in sweeping cursive across the bottom. Tossing that over the left side door, he sighs. Grabbing the sling he puts his right arm in it, knowing full well that he can't afford to lose any amount of performance he uses his left hand to grab a pair of underwear from a drawer and slips them on. Grabbing a pair of black straight cut jeans, and his favourite black and blue leather jacket he manages to get the shirt on over his arm. Pushing his right arm through the other sleeve he slips his jacket on over it. Finally he pushes on his favourite black, white and gold sneakers and heads toward the penthouse door, grabbing his keys and wallet from the bowl at the front as he walks out.

The elevator trip to the basement was close to tortuous. The sharp lights and annoying elevator music just caused that throbbing in his head to get stronger and more frequent. The soft "Ding" of it opening at the basement is akin to standing next to a church bell ringing out as he steps into the cool afternoon air. Artemis walked the few meters to his car, clicking the fob the lights flash. He opens the driver side door and immediately grabs his sunglasses, sliding them onto his face.


he mutters as he slides the fob into its slot. Pressing the engine start button the car roars to life. Heading out and up from the car park, he merges with the off time traffic and makes fast time to Nickelrose Highschool.

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