Chapter 3

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Again loud noises rip you out of your 'sleep'. This time it isn't a crash. This time it is yelling. And this time you know who the owner of the voice is. It is Captain Levi's voice. Now you notice that you have no idea where you woke up. Your head hurts and stings terribly and you remember what happened before you passed out. "Oooh noooo " Grunting you bury your face inside your hands. You can't believe it, Levi took you with him to the Headquarters of the survey corps. After you calmed down a little, you get out of your bed and decide to look around the room. When you pull the blanket away from your lap, you only now notice that your ODM gear and your clothes are gone. You are sitting there in your underwear. This short dick of a man took your ODM gear. You hope for him that he wasn't the one that also took your clothes. The room you are in is smaller then your room at the Boehlmeier pub. It has a huge window without curtains. There only are a bed, a mirror and a closet inside the room. A strong smell of cleaning supplies, mint, wet leaves and ... citrus? Fill the whole perfectly cleaned room. You stand up and you are really dizzy. With one hand you hold your head until it gets better. Still, you somehow manage to walk over to the window and look out at the huge training ground that is filled with fighting, running and working out cadets. From where the sun stands you estimate that it must be around 3pm now.

Suddenly, you remember that you heared Levi arguing with someone in the room next to you and after a moment of hesistation, you rush to the wall and press your ear against it.

"That is my final decision, Levi!" You hear the person Levi is fighting with screaming.

"You're just gonna let them stay here?" Levi answers aggressively.

"YES!" The man shouts back at him immediately in a louder tone than before. Obviously, he seems to regret the volume in which he gave that sentence off of himself and lowers his voice. "You brought them here in first place." He adds.

"Citizens have been watching, what was I supposed to do? Leave them bleed to death there?" With that harsh answer he stomps on the floor. Ouch, that hurts, doesn't it?

"(Y/N) is going to stay!" Confidently and imperiously the man answers.

After a moment of silence Levi asks, clearly confused, "Wait, where do you know their name from, Erwin?"

That other man is Commander Erwin? He is fighting with Levi because of you?

Erwin sighs loudly. "I knew their father, alright. We went to the cadet training together, but he had to leave it earlier, because he found out his wife got pregnant after his last visit at home. He never returned. I didn't think much of it and just assumed that he wanted to stay with his family. One year later I found out that both he and his wife got murdered, one year after the child was born. (Y/N)..."

Levi stares at the floor in disbelieve. It makes sense to him now, why Erwin insists in you staying here.

"I could not help him, but now that I have the chance to, I want to give his child the opportunity to live the dream he couldn't live." Erwin adds, showing surprisingly little emotions.

"They have people in town that know them. They have a place to stay. Wh- what if they don't even want to enter the cadet training..." Levi leans his hand on the table next to him. Obviously bothered, furious, about you staying.

"Levi...", Erwin was about to yell again, when...

...Levi interrupts him, now loosing his temper."YOU ARE NOT HELPING THEM! YOU ARE JUST GOING TO GET THEM KILLED! JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HERE." He screams out and slams his hand on the table he was leaning on before. He stares at Erwin.

"YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT THAT, DON'T YOU LEVI?" Erwin stares back at Levi and balls his hands into fists, holding them besides his body.

"They have the focus of a frog and probably as much skills as an ox, when it comes to killing titans!" Levi intensifies his stare.

"You don't know that and that's why I want to train them! Besides, you have seen yourself the way they use the ODM gear. It is not easy to use it without schooling. Especially not the way they use it." Erwin answers and underlines his statement with gestics.

Levi stays silent, thinking about considering Erwin's arguments as plausible. He is not staring at Erwin anymore, now his gaze is focused on some point on the floor.

"We can work with their potential. Don't worry, you will see that with time." His attitude loosens up and he comes a little closer to Levi. Slowly he reaches his hand out to put it on Levi's shoulder, but he backs up.

"Just do not blame anyone else other than yourself for their death afterwards." Levi turns around and is about to leave, when Erwin grabs his arm.

"Wait" He says and Levi turns his head slightly, so he can see Erwin in the corner of his eyes. "You should go check on (Y/N)".

Levi shakes his arm of and frees himself. "I was on my way to do that." Then he walks to the door, opens it and leaves. You realize that he is heading your way and that you still aren't wearing any clothes. FUCK. That realization makes you back up from the wall, but then stumble over your own foot and you start falling backwards.

You hit your head on the bed frame and almost immediately start rubbing the spot where your head got hit. "Ouch" you whisper as you hear Levi's deep voice, him looking down at you in despise. "Are you alright, (Y/N)?"

"I - have you never heard of knocking?" Looking up at him, you still rub your head. "I wanted to help, in case you were about to get yourself killed again..." Interrupting his sentence to sigh he looks you up and down "...but it looks like you're just fine"

"Haha, very funny. If you pervert could quit starring at me in my underwear, I would we be very grateful."

"Then put on some clothes for god's sake" Sighing, he turns around.

"If you haven't noticed yet, somebody took my clothes!" You answer while standing up, picking up the blanket from the bed and wraping it around you. Quietly you add. "And my ODM gear..."

"Your clothes were soaked in blood and we weren't going to let you ruin a good pair of clean bedsheets . You aren't allowed to own an ODM gear as long as you are not a cadet. Where do you have it from anyways?" It feels weird talking to him while he is looking the other way. You look at him from the back while he is talking. First at the back of his head, then your gaze lowers to his muscular back. As it wanders even lower, you interrupt yourself. Quickly you react and turn away to look at the floor, breathing irregularly.

Clearing your throat, you pull the blanket tighter "It was my dad's and I'll get it back." With these words you head to the door.

"whoa whoa whoa whoa, where do you think you're going?" He stares at your blanket 'dress' . " that...", he points at your improvised outfit. His mimics express annoyance. By now you already opened the door and were heading right through.

"I'm getting myself some clothes." You answer as he joggs after you rushing through the hallway, being stared at.

"And where do you plan to get them from?" He pants looking at you, while you look at the doors and walls left and right to you, not paying attention to him.

"I don't know, I'll figure it out somehow."

Levi rolls his eyes and sighs "Alright, I brought you here, so I can as well give you some of my clothes."

"Thanks for saving my life by the way." You stop talking for a moment and he somewhat nods. "But your clothes won't fit me"

"Shut up"

Now you spotted someone you know from the survey corps and decide to ask them for clothes. You walk over to them and tap them on the shoulder. Levi keeps following you to keep an eye on you and to make sure you don't do anything stupid.

"Hey! It's so nice to see you again!" You squeak happily.

//End of Chapter 3//

//This Chapter is a little shorter, but I consider this a good cliffhanger to leave you with, so there you go.//

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