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You and Angel talked, and decided that you didn't want to wait too long to get married. You were anxious to be his wife. Every part of your life had only gotten better since the two of you started dating.

Your job at the school was fantastic. You were working in an elementary setting, and the kids you helped were adorable. You loved going in to work every day. You'd known for a long time what you wanted to do for a job, and you were so glad to find out that you genuinely enjoyed it now that you were doing it every day.

Six months after graduating, Angel asked you to sneak away to the courthouse and marry him. You agreed, with the condition that your dad, his dad and EZ were there. He agreed, and the two of you were married earlier today.

After going home to celebrate privately, you headed to the clubhouse to tell everyone the good news.

Angel walked through the door, your hand clasped in his. He went straight to the bar and asked for a round of shots. That got everyone's attention. Once the shots were passed around, he yelled.

"Hey, pendejos. Shut up. Mi esposa wants to say something." (My wife.)

You didn't even have a chance to speak before there was a loud cheer throughout the clubhouse. Everyone caught on to him calling you his wife.

You raised your shot glass.

"Angel and I got married today!"

Everyone cheered and took their shots. You set yours down on the bar top, untouched. Angel looked at you, confused as to why you didn't drink it.

You reached into your purse and grabbed a small box. You held your hand out for his, and when he gave it to you, you set the box on it.

He tilted his head slightly, so you nodded toward the box. He reached down and opened it up.

"No way! No fucking way! Are you serious?" He had a huge grin on his face.

You smiled and nodded, noticing the clubhouse had gone quiet.

"Mi esposa is knocked the fuck up!" He shouted before wrapping his arms around you. He pulled you close and kissed you deeply as the guys hooted and hollered at you. He tangled one hand in your hair as he held you close. When he finally pulled back, he rested his forehead on yours.

"Mi amor, I am so fucking happy right now. I can't believe you're my wife and we're having a baby. This is one of the best days of my life. I love you so fucking much."

You had tears in your eyes. "I'm so happy too, mi dulce. Everything is perfect. I love you so fucking much. I'll always love you."

He kissed you again, before pulling back just to look at you. You noticed his eyes were misty.

"Let's go outside for a minute, mi amor."

You smiled and nodded, but only made it a few steps before your dad swept you up in a hug.

"Mija, I'm so fucking happy for you."

"Gracias, papi."

"Te quiero, mija. Y mi nieto." (I love you, daughter. And my grandchild.)

"Te quiero mucho."

He let you go and immediately pulled Angel into a hug.

"I almost kinda even love you too, pendejo."

You all laughed at that.

"Does that mean I should start calling you papi like she does?" Angel said while laughing.

"You do and I'll castrate you."

Angel held his hands up in surrender. "Bish it is."

When the two of you finally made it outside, Angel just pulled you into his arms.

"Mi amor, I'm so fucking happy. I love you so much."

You pressed a kiss against his lips. "I love you too, Ángel."

He dropped to his knees in front of you, and gently pushed your shirt up. He pressed a soft kiss to your stomach, and whispered "te amo tanto, mi pequeño."

Your eyes teared up as you listened to your husband whisper to your unborn child.

He stood up and took you into his arms again, holding you close. He whispered loving words in your ear as you held each other. The love that you felt in that moment overwhelmed you. You never thought you'd have Angel, so every incredible thing that had happened since the moment you got together was unexpected and amazing.

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