Chapter 4: The Agents Training

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Ashton's POV:

The other boys in my team and myself were down in our personal training room downstairs, each team has their own training room, and Luke Calum and myself were practicing our different martial arts styles now Luke was practicing Karate and the style was Wado Ryu and there is more than one style for karate apparently but im getting off topic here.

Calum is practicing Judo and i was practicing Jiu Jitsu anyway im not sure if Luke has noticed but Calum has been acting odd lately maybe it's something to do with his crush on Jess... *BANG* "What the fuck have you done now Micheal?!" Calum asked him "i didnt do anything why do you always assume its me when somethings gone wrong??" Micheal whined at that particular moment in time he looked like a 3 year old who was told that they couldn't have candy... again im getting off topic here... for future reference i can get off topic a lot...

"Mikey we always assume it's you when something goes wrong because let's be honest out of the four of us your the Seamus Finnigan!" Luke said smirking but that fell from his face when he noticed Calum staring off into space... i looked to Luke and Mikey and the three of is knew that we had to ask him what the matter was... because Calum was never like this "Cal, you ok bro?" Luke asks.

"Huh?" Cal looks at him, like he was taken out of his thoughts.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine..." he looks down and fiddles with his hands.
"Cal there is something wrong... You can tell us anything..." I reasure him, because we are a team and a team goes through other team mates hardships.

Cal sighs and then looks up at all of us.
"More like someone than something..."
"Who Cal? Is it Jess?"
"Yeah Mikey... It is Jess..."
"What happened Cal?" wondering if he would actually tell us.

"Well it was a long time ago..."
"So? It doesn't matter bro... If it's bugging you now, it must have been something huge that has affected you"
"Well... Jess and I were childhood sweethearts... Seeing the picture of her and Anna smiling reminded me of all the memories we have... But then she was involved in a car crash... She was staying with her cousins and her Aunt was driving her home, a wreck-less drunk driver crashed into the hood of the car and the car spun around. They were admitted into the hospital and her parents were informed and went straight there. My parents found out the next day and we went down there to visit her. I ran into her room and her parents were there and I said to her that I was worried about her when I found out that she was there then she said "umm... Do I know you?" it has haunted me for ages.

My parents were talking to her parents, they said that they are moving and that their work is making them transfer to a different country but they didn't say where... I lost the one person I truly loved... And I can't stop thinking about her... I can't get her out of my mind... I just..." he put his head in his hands. To know that he experienced with a childhood sweetheart was heartbreaking... He completely lost her when she came around... it was hard to accept because Calum was the rock for all of us... to know that this had happened to him... I don't even know what to say... "Cal... i i i never knew that..."

Mikey stuttered and Luke just looked down a face full of guilt... but Luke rarely looked guilty about anything "Luke??" i asked a bit hesitant to do so "yeah Ash?" Luke responded "may i ask you something? personal that is?" i was a bit nervous for his reply "alright what do you want to know?" was his reply "well it's just that you looked down with a face full of guilt but you rarely feel guilty about anything what's that all about?" I managed to get out, but Luke's body tensed up and i knew that i was trespassing on a VERY touchy subject what i wasn't expecting was an answer from Luke but an answer i got even if it was troubling "if im perfectly honest... I haven't been entirely truthful about... my past..." was all Luke said...

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