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The movie begins with a young boy named Aladdin who's parents are killed by palace guards. He runs away and lives on the streets. Time jumps and Aladdin is now fifteen years old. He makes a living by stealing. Even though his parents died years ago, he is still dealing with grief.

Meanwhile, a princess named Jasmine strokes her pet tiger as her father scolds her for not looking for boyfriends. She claims that every prince the he has sent her way was stuck up. While in an argument, she yells at the sultan for never letting her outside the palace. The sultan's adviser, Jafar, suggests letting Jasmine marry him. The sultan says no because Jafar is fifty and tells him that if he ever tries to take advantage of Jasmine, he will be fired.

That night, Jasmine sneaks out of her window. She tries to run away through the garden, but is growled at by her pet tiger since Jasmine would be abandoning her. The scene cuts to Jafar trying to poison the Sultan's drink. The sultan is about to take a sip, when he hears Jasmine scream. He runs to her room, but discovers a note saying she has run away. He calls the guards too look for her and discovers blood stains on the wall and ground in the garden. Upon inspecting the tiger they notice blood on its paws and claws.

Jasmine limps away from the palace as the tiger and the guards can be heard fighting. The tiger lets off one final growl and the camera zooms in of Jasmine's reaction when she realizes her pet has just been killed. She keeps limping away and manages to not get caught by anyone. The sunrise is beginning and stands are just opening. Aladdin is looking for his daily steal when he sees the princess (disguised as a peasant) fallen in the middle of the road. When he sees her she begs him for help and says she will give him money if he can heal her. He pulls her aside and inspects the wound; three claw marks.

He gives her his old jacket and tells her to apply it to the wound to calm the bleeding. He steals a needle and thread from a clothing stand and gives it to her along with a bucket of water. He uses the water to clean the wound. Jasmine knows how to sow and stitches herself. She buys him breakfast and they begin talking. While in mid-conversation a guard sees them and they run. They begin to jump from rooftop to rooftop, despite Jasmine just being stitched (which slows them down). Eventually, a guard catches up to them and grabs Aladdin. Jasmine reveals herself and the guards bring her back to the palace, and say they can not let the "street rat" go without Jafar's agreement.

Jafar has Aladdin locked up and Jasmine becomes even more lonely. She plans on helping Aladdin escape, but discovers he already has. The next scene is Aladdin helping an old man who has fallen. The old man says he trusts Aladdin and knows of a place with a priceless treasure. The old man explains he is too weak to go, so he must have Aladdin do it. They go out to the desert and the sands shape shift.. The sands are known as "spirt sands," and can take the form of any fallen animal. In this case, it is Jasmine's pet tiger. Aladdin is warned to only get the lamp at the end of the cave. Aladdin obeys, and tries to leave. On his way out, he is almost murdered by the old man. He escapes, and the old man is revealed to be Jafar in disguise.

Aladdin thinks he sees a message on the outside of the lamp. When he rubs it, a genie appears. He says he will grant three wishes as long as it doesn't involve bringing someone back from the dead, forcing love, or more wishes. Aladdin's first wish is to become a prince so he can marry Jasmine. He arrives with a monkey on his shoulder, which is really the genie in disguise. He introduces himself to Jasmine as Prince Ali. Jafar argues with him about who will win Jasmine's hand. Jasmine over hears them and says she is tired of being treated like a prize instead of a person.

The next morning Aladdin realizes the lamp has been stolen. He looks for the genie, but to no avail. When he opens the door water fills to room. He floats to the top and holds his breath as he dives down. He swims out the door and then floats to the surface. He realizes the room was magically transported into a river. He recognizes the river because he used to get water there from when he was young. He also spots the palace in the distance.

The scene cuts to Jafar who proclaims he wants to make a second wish (the first being to drown Aladdin). He wishes to be a sorcerer and the genie grants the wish. Aladdin arrives in time to see the Sultan dead and Jasmine being held in chains. Jafar wishes for her to be attracted to him, but the genie refuses and says he can not force love. Jasmine spots Aladdin and distracts Jafar by acting attracted to him. Jafar tries to rape Jasmine, but she fights back, Aladdin almost reaches the lamp, but Jafar notices when Jasmine slaps him and (by force) his face turns. He creates an hourglass around him and tells Jasmine she can either give herself to him or let Aladdin die. Jasmine picks up a chain and breaks the glass. She explains that because he isn't as powerful as the genie, Jafar can be defeated. Jafar chooses to be a genie as his final wish.

Once that happens, Jafar becomes powerful, but is forced into a lamp. Aladdin, the Genie, and Jasmine go to the river and throw the lamp into the water. Aladdin confesses to not being a real prince, but Jasmine says she would still date him if she could. Aladdin makes the final wish and wishes the genie free in return for his kindness. The following week the palace has been overthrown by a new dynasty, so Jasmine must flee for her life. She runs to the streets and sees Aladdin. After kissing him they travel far away together and follow the river as a trail.

Days pass, and the two are dying of starvation. Jasmine passes out from hunger. Aladdin desperately searches by the river for any source of food. Instead, he comes across Jafar's lamp. With no other choice, he rubs it. The movie ends there.

*Just wanted say a quick RIP to my childhood hero, Robin Williams. He kept everyone happy while he was dealing with hell himself. In your words, "I'm gonna miss you, buddy."

In other news, this is the last of the OFFICIAL disney princess horror movies. I might do other princesses hat a not part of the official princess line (such as Nala from the Lion King). If you haven't read the other stories, check them out.*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2015 ⏰

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