Penne Pasta

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'Mommy, this time you're going to scold her—'

'Listen, my not-so-sweet daughter, she considers you a good friend so I want you to respect her feelings. So what if you hate to lend out your clothing, cosmetics, and other accessories with her. Darling, never refused to lend your things with anyone because there's no harm but an act of wisdom.'

I sighed angrily.

My mom passed a smile on her face and took out a white bowl filled with tomato basil penne pasta which was kept inside a microwave to be heated. Meanwhile, I was doing dishes and organizing them in a dish rack.

She carried that bowl of sizzling red penne pasta and took a spoonful bite while standing. Her lips got red like she was a vampire and freshly drank the wine of blood. Inside our kitchen, she stepped forward towards me and asked a question. 'When did you start cooking so well? You make delicious pasta.'

I was done with dishes so I washed my hands with the help of liquid dish detergent and grabbed a hanging towel near the washbasin to dry my hands.

With a slight smile, I replied. 'I cook well because I'm your daughter and blessed with mother's hand taste.'

My rose gold iPhone seven was ringing from its place on a kitschy dressing table in my room. 'Ugh! not again, she must be Athena.' I muttered to myself.

Mom finished eating the pasta. She kept the empty white bowl into the sink and reached my room to attend the call.

Immediately, I grabbed my phone from her right hand and declined an incoming call. When I saw Athena's name on the screen, I rolled my eyes.

'Stop avoiding her. I believe, Athena is kind-hearted and she looks like you a lot,' mom stated.

'I don't care if we exactly look alike,' I replied abruptly.

I switched off my phone and kept it inside the pocket of my jeans. I am not an avid reader but I like to read when I don't want to be with anyone, just me and my book. So I took my favorite book from the shelf After We Fell by Anna Todd and left the room.

Ding, ding. The doorbell rang.

I usually wear specs when reading, writing, and screening because my eyesight is not so good. I raised my brows when I gave attention to the doorbell while reading "After We Fell" and whispered to myself. 'I hope it's not what I'm thinking.'

Ding, ding, GGG. Again the doorbell rang. Then I heard someone standing outside the door and shouting. 'Open the door, Elsa. Why were you not attending my calls?'

It was a very familiar voice. A voice, which I was avoiding since the day we met at the Manchester book fair.

I folded the edge of the page and left reading the book. Usually, I fold pages because I leave my bookmark behind and forget where I left it, so folding pages tend to be easier.

I moved my body and opened the door to find who the hell standing to attention outside. It was Athena. 'Hello, my twin, long time no see.' She said these words to me with a huge smile on her face. And I hate when someone calls me her twin sister, especially Athena.

It was past midnight when she reached my home. She entered
a handbag, composedly carrying her grip-sack and long coat. Her crystal brown eyes wanted to say something but her saccharine sweet lips were not allowed to. She was thin and she had a wheatish fair complexion.

'She must be in trouble but I don't give a shit nor do I care,' I thought to myself.

I slammed the door to show her that I am not happy to see her. The force of the door slamming could be heard throughout the house. Athena was smart enough to know that I don't want to be friends with her but still she acted like everything is fine between us.

'I know that my presence disturbs you but it's okay sweetheart, I still love you.' she said nonchalantly.

'Welcome dear.' mom cheered up. 'it's so nice to see you here, Athena,' she said, distorting her name. I rolled my eyes again because I can't understand why my mom treat my friends with love and respect even when she know I dislike her.

Very quickly Athena put her luggage on the doormat and ordered me to shift them into my room. 'I hope you won't mind if I stay for a few days and spend quality time with you and your mom,' she asked.

I managed to ignore the absurdity of the question. I grabbed her grip-sack and her other stuff and shifted them in my room unhappily.

My mother asked her, 'You beaut, is everything alright? why are you here?'

Athena starred her wristwatch and noticed that it was 12:43 am. 'Yes, everything is fine and I'm doing great. Sorry, if I disturbed your peace. I can go back home.' she said curtly.

Athena was beautiful with brains. She knows how to tackle every situation and she has a charismatic personality. People can easily get attracted to her.

'No, not at all dear. And you're always welcome in my home.' Mother replied and gave her a flying kiss.

I smelled something like a combination of burnt plastic and cleaning chemicals from her grip-sack. I got a great sense of smell since childhood.

Out of curiosity, I was trying to open her grip-sack but couldn't because someone came to my room. It was Athena standing near the door. I looked into her brown eyes with fear and managed to speak normally, 'Ethics! don't you know, a person should knock on the door before entering anyone's room.'

She folded her arms and stepped into my room, eye contacted me, and gave a death stare. She was not in a mood to converse but to kill me. 'What are you searching for, miss?' she roared.

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