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'I'm not supposed to answer your unnecessary question as you're not my mother, miss.' I responded in her vocal tone.

While looking into my eyes aggressively, suddenly she start to guffawed at me. For the first time, I felt that I'm the only halfwit person left on this planet.

Her slightly chubby cheeks turned red and she cheered, 'Relax my twinnie, I was just pulling your legs. You can check my gripsack, after all, you are going to put my clothes inside your closet.'

I manage to avoid her silly words.

I and Athena, both stood face to face, aware that the night will be over within two hours and in the morning we get to put a deliberate smile on our faces to show mom that we were behaving well like adults.

The bed was a mess. Some motivational books were scattered on it, which I've promised myself to give a complete read. Pages were flying here and there on which I did pretty crazy and incomprehensible poetry. And of course Athena's suitcase.

I manage to grab flying pages and ripped up all. Put my books back on the shelf and in front of Athena, I threw her suitcase on the floor.

As I made the bed. Athena jump into it and went to sleep.

'Is she a princess or am I a maid?' I questioned myself.

The light of dawn seeped into my room. I rub my sleepless eyes and walked to the window, the beautiful blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds.

'Pancakes are readyyyyyy!' said mom loudly. I ran downstairs to set the table before she slaughter me.

I found Athena helping my mother already and talking about me in low voice, 'Elsa is like my little princess and I never wanted to lose her.'

Eh-Mm! I entered the kitchen.

I observe that the table was perfectly set for breakfast. Individually, a plate was allotted at the center of the table with the napkin and fork on the left and the other silverware on the right. A glass filled with freshly made orange juice was placed on the upper left of the plate, while the cup and saucer for tea were set at the upper right.

Mom looked at me and speak, 'Good morning sweetheart, let's have breakfast.'

I and mom sat down at the table and start to consume breakfast. Meanwhile, Athena takes a pancake and spread butter on the top pancake, and then pour agave nectar syrup all over the stack.

I continuously look at Athena and want to ask her why she wants to live with us. I never trust people so easily, especially someone suspicious like Athena.

'She must be hiding something.' I muttered to myself. I manage to put the kitchen back before mum shouts at me.

I went back into my room, took my course books, and kept inside my university bag with a pen.

Mom hugs me goodbye and I left the house for university.

Athena followed me and pushes me from the back. 'Studying is boring, how much are you gonna earn after your degree? hardly 15-50k?' she says, pouting.

We walk the few remaining steps to the road in slow motion. Once there, Toby emerges out of nowhere.

'Elsa, what are you doing with her?' He stated gently.

He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks and he had a devil-may-care outlook and a stellar smile.

I was shocked when he expose his love feelings for me in front of everyone and proposed to me. And from that day we're in a relationship.

Toby, the love of my life.

'Hello Toby, did you miss me?' asked Athena.

She pasted an evil smile on her face and act like they both are great friends and met after ages.

I grab Toby's hand and ask him to leave. 'We're getting late for the class. Avoid her and move.'

I never get to know why he hates her so much and never tells me anything, he just asks me to stay away from her. Indeed, I don't like her but it doesn't mean that I hate her too.

Athena laugh out loud and roared at him, 'Are you scared or what? I don't harm people, she is safe.'

I noticed that there's a connection between Toby and Athena of which I'm unaware.

'She is safe?' I repeated her statement and questioned Toby.

'What does it mean? she, who?! What is she trying to tell you in hidden words? I want to know Toby and you're going to tell me each and everything right now!' I questioned all in one breath.

He came near to me, holding my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

'Calm down, baby. We have a class.' Toby reminded me calmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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