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Before you read further just know that I'm doing this for fun and just to get these ideas out of my head so it probably won't be coherent in any way, and might not even make sense some of the time. 

This is going to be mainly a character analysis of 'The half of it'. Please stick with me on this, though if you don't then I completely understand.

I haven't written a chapter on plot, but if you do just comment saying you want it and I'll write it.

I should note before hand that I'm using the screenplay version of the script because it's much easier to use than trying to manually go back-and-forth throughout the film for quotes, so some quotes may be slightly wrong. Here's a link to the script I used:

The chapters are in size order (Trig, Paul, Aster, Ellie) as I thought it made the most sense to put the least important characters first. I haven't written the chapters in order so I've written them all as if they're the first chapter you've read so you can read them in any order.

The Half of It analysisWhere stories live. Discover now