chapter 2

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Mina pov
After I asked y/n to come over I was gonna get y/n and kishima and deku together I know it might not go very well but oh well it'll be fine
A/n pov
Mina was walking to her house to meet up with the bakugo sqawd she was in a alleyway it was dark and the lights were flickering on and off  when Mina looked to the sied of the alleyway and saw a figure

Hello mina

How so you know who I am

Oooh I know a lot of you

3rd person pov
The figure grabbed mina the knocked her out then grabbed a siuerung and stabbed mina took her blood

??? Pov
Hehe I transd form into mina after drinked some of her blood you look so pretty and you do know me mina

I'm toga your Friend
From school and ima gonna make your life hell like you did with mine and ruin you friend ship with y/n

**Flash back in 1st garde**

Come on toga let's go to the park

Ok let's go

3rd person pov
They went to the park and running around till mina pushed toga on accident toga are you ok But when she was about to toga looked over and saw a boy that had Blood on his hand for some reason toga was drawn to it she got up hey toga are you ok   shh mina toga grabbed the kids hand hey what are you doing the boy siad. toga liked his hand then turned into him everyone was screaming

Toga pov
Mina what's going on why am I like this
Tears started to fill her eyes and her face was red she was crying
Mina pov
Your a monster  mina screamed wihiel running away
Toga was all alone again that's "when she snapped fine then I will make your life like hell"

I hate you mina
I hate

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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