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Draco, being the inconstant human begin he is, hasn't spoken to me since I kissed him in the corridor, about a week ago. For some reason a soft peck on the lips scares him away when he's bold enough to finger me in class. I still have yet to understand him. I walked up to the astronomy tower not only for a change of scenery but also to just clear my mind from Star's drunkenness and Pansy's ongoing infatuation with Draco. The sun had just set and I reached the top of the tower. I sat down and opened my book, I read a few chapters about vampires when I was approached by the same tall Slytherin boy who had assaulted me. I figured out his name, finally, Marco. I stood up, to attempt and stand my ground, as Marco approached me

"Fuck off" I said before he even had the chance to speak.
"Your little boyfriend isn't here to come to your rescue this time, y/n" Marco said.
"So you have the same intentions?" I said.

He didn't reply.

"You sick fuck" I said and slapped Marco right across his face.

Anger flushed throughout his whole body, using all his force, he pushed me to the ground. The back of my head hit the stone and I groaned in pain. Marco kneeled down next to me as I scrambled to get up. He grabbed my neck and rammed me back down onto the ground. I whimpered and he smiled.

"Oh the things I could do to you" He smirked as he unbuckled his pants.

My head pounded, in this moment Marco was right about one thing, Draco wouldn't coincidently be there to rescue me. A tear rolled down my cheek as I was in physical pain and mental shock.

"What the fuck did I tell you last time?" I heard a familiar voice say.

It was Draco. He had walked over to Marco kicked his chest, making him let go of my neck.

"If you touch her again, I'll kill you. Does that sound at all familiar to you?" Draco said with his foot to Marco's neck.

Marco said nothing.

"I won't give you the privilege to live with this, I won't let you roam around Hogwarts knowing you've assaulted y/n not once but twice. That's just a luxury you don't deserve" Draco said pulling out his wand.

"Avada Kedavra, cunt" Draco said pointing his wand to Marco.

Marco died. My eyes widened, I didn't realize Draco would actually go through with his promise, or that he was capable of that. Draco held his hand out for me, I grabbed onto it and he pulled me to my feet.

"Draco..." I managed to say.
"What, did you want him alive?" Draco said wiping my tears with his robes.
"Well, I- I just didn't expect... that" I struggled to say.
"Don't stress, y/n. It's all okay now" Draco said.
"What are you going to do with him..." I asked.
"Easy. Throw him off the astronomy tower. It'll be seen as a suicide" Draco said dragging Marco's lifeless body to the edge of the tower.

He threw Marco off the edge, making Marco allegedly "fall to his death". I shuddered and Draco wrapped his arms around me.

"I won't let someone hurt you. I had to do that" Draco said as he kissed my head.

"Come sleep with me tonight" Draco said.
"What about your roommates?" I muttered into his chest.
"I don't have any" Draco said.
"That must be nice" I said.
"Definitely" He said.

We walked down the tower, Draco's hand was fixed onto my back the entire way to his dorm. He opened the door for me and I walked into his room. It resembled mine just with one bed. He had a bookshelf filled with old and new books. He had a candle lit on his nightstand as well. Draco reached into his nightstand and held out a pair of flannel pants and a black t-shirt. I took off my robes and set them on top of his dresser. I put on his t-shirt and pants, both very oversized but I didn't mind because they smelled like him, a warm musky cologne and a sweet vanilla. That was the best I could describe his scent. Draco also put on a pair of flannel pajama pants and kept his shirt off, which did not bother me.

"Come here" Draco said patting on his bed.

I sat on his bed and he turned off a light, but the light from the candle still warmly lit up the room.

"Are you alright, y/n?" Draco asked.
"More or less" I responded.
"I'm sorry I exposed you to that" Draco said.
"It's okay. Thank you for stopping him before he could do anything else..." I said.
"How is your head?" Draco asked.
"I think It'll be okay" I said.
"Your neck is bruised" Draco said, gently moving my hair that covered my neck.
"Oh..." I said.
"I hate that he did that to you, I hate what he would've done to you" Draco said.

I laid my head down on his pillow. Draco laid down beside me and pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"I'm lucky to have you" I said as I traced patterns onto his chest.
"I knew you'd admit that" Draco said.
"I mean it" I said.
"I feel the same" Draco said pulling my chin up with his finger, making me look at his face.

He kissed me with his soft lips,

"Go to sleep, love" He said.

I wrapped my leg around him and scooted closer to him for warmth and my own safety. Instantly, I fell into a deep slumber.

• • •
(authors note: this was a very deep and disturbing chapter, sorry for that but i hope you enjoyed it also)

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