Chapter Eight: Unbearable Pain

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 Orihime POV: "Ichigo...Rukia...Uryu...Chad...Renji...They all came here to save me...Save me and take me away from ... here ... from ... Ulquiorra...But...What if I were to say I wanted to stay? Would that be enough to let them go back home and be safe? Would that be enough to avoid Ulquiorra's death? Or mine? Or...Anyone's?..." I was whispering to myself as I curled into the dark corner of my room. just want everyone to be okay in the that to much to ask? Even if it means to put my life at risk...I would do anything for my friends to live happily... I heard a groan "Pfft as if...That damd Ichigo will die here...And so will you. So 'would it be enough' my ass! Also, why are you so hung up on Ulquiorra anyways? It's not like he even cares about you!" I quickly turn to see Grimmjow leaning against the doorway with crossed arms. I mumbled "h-hello...Grimmjow..." He approached me with furrowed eyebrows "Your pitiful... Really damd pitiful. You know that? Ulquiorra doesn't even like you. He actually...Despises you. The only reason he acts like your friend is all out of pity! He is heartless...He can't learn to love someone like you...He only follows Aizen's orders." I shook my head "Stop it! That's not true! Ulquiorra and I are...We..." Grimmjow lifted an eyebrow "Hm? You what?...Wait! Don't tell me! You were about to say in love weren't you!? Hahaha hahaha wow, you truly are clueless aren't you?! To think! A human girl is in love with an espada! Hahahahaha and to be exact its Ulquiorra! Out of all of us it's that asshole! Hahahahaha!" I bellowed "Stop it! I was going to say close friends asshole..." Grimmjow sighed with a grin "that's stupid to...This is Hueco Muendo I may remind you...There is no such thing as 'friends' in a place like this. You have to be alone and deal with it...Its just how it is here." His voice was getting softer, meaning he was speaking truthfully. I had wide eyes "Your blinded. Your wrong. And your denying the facts...You can be friends with anyone anywhere...Whether it be a place like this or...Hell...Or even through the most darkest of times...Actually...A friend in these types of places are needed the most." Grimmjow was looking down at me with wide eyes. Then his look turned back to classic anger "Hmph...You really are a weird person. I don't like you. You think relying on friends will help you? No. What makes you stronger is to persevere on your own and trust no one. That is how you get far. And for those who get in my way, I will tear them down. Now...Does that sound like I even have the need for friends? Nope. Friends just weigh you down...In the end, they are just a bunch of cowards. Relying on you to carry them on...Putting the weight on your shoulders...I don't have time to re-live that shit." I gasp "But..." Grimmjow growled "I don't even know why I came in here...Ugh. I was going to come make fun of you crying...But somehow you turned the tables and made me speak about worthless things...I'm gone." He turned and started to walk away. I feel bad...He doesn't realize that having a friend doesn't do those things...They help...they are what keeps this world from dying...They are here to tell us right from wrong when we cannot tell the difference. They will always be there...And your suspost to return the favor... I grab his sleeve and whisper "No wait...Grimmjow...If you want...We can be friends...I know it must be lonely to think that way...I want to help you...And be by your side." Grimmjow looked down and ripped my grip of his sleeve away "That's bullshit. Didn't you hear what I just said?! Jeez your stupid! I don't want any god damd friends. Even if its someone like you...I don't want any." I said "But Grimmjow...You can't say something like tha-" I was cut off when he stormed out of the room. I huffed out and sat back on the floor. I will pray for Grimmjow too....Someday...I will try to become his friend. Coming in after him, was Ulquiorra. He panicked and looked all over my face and arms and everything while asking "Did he touch you anywhere!? Are you alright!? Did he hurt you!?" I chuckled "I'm fine. He didn't do anything but talk to me." Ulquiorra rose a suspicious eyebrow "Oh...Okay...?" I shrugged "It's... nothing really." His gaze softened "Alright." I smirked "Hey so want to hang out again?" He glanced at his feet "I actually have something else in mind..." I stood up and looked up into his green sparkling eyes "What could that be?" He replies simply "I want...I want to take you out today." I furrowed my eyebrows "O-out? Like...How...?" He scratched the back of his head, a small blush perking just above his cheeks. "I mean to take you outside. You gaze up at the moon all the time, I thought you'd want to see it from outside of this cage." My eyes buldges out of my head as I smile as wide as can be "R-REALLY?! YOU'LL REALLY DO THAT FOR ME?!?! I CAN GO OUTSIDE?!" He grins a bit from my reaction and mumbles "Yes. It took me awhile to convience Aizen, But he finally let in and said I could let you come outside for a little while for some fresh air." I was so excited. After so long being stuck inside this rat hole I finally get to go outside and have some room! I jumped up in the air up and down "AH! I'M SO EXCITED!" I rushed over and leaped into his arms, He spun me around in the air and held me close. I laughed as he continued to spin me. Once he stopped he looked down into my grey orbs "Woman...?" I smirked and replied in almost a whisper "Yes?" He smiled a bit "Hm...Nothing. Forget it." I tilted my head to the side "Oh...Okay..." He slowly eased his fingers to my face as he swiped the hair out of my face, pushing it behind my ear and catching a lock of it. He held it in his hand and continued eye contact "Your hair is really soft." I blushed "Ah. Not really. I mean, I don't have any conditioner here or anything so-" Before I continued to speak his lips met the hair in between his fingers and kissed it. I whisper "Ul-Ul...Ulquiorra..." He had a faint red around his cheeks as he grabs my hand and mumbles "Lets go outside shall we?" I nod once looking down at our hands. We walked towards the sealed door that has trapped me for so long. I couldn't help but feel myself grin as he opened it. Ulquiorra glanced back at me while he stepped out of the doorway "Are you ready?" I noticed the hallway was bright and well lighted, unlike my cell. I step beside Ulquiorra and laughed out loud "Oh wow i'm making this really dramatic arn't I? It's just a good feeling to be able to step out of that cell with you here by my side like this. I feel a little more...Free." Ulquiorra had kind eyes as he softly replies "I guess it must feel more free for you, But for the rest of us...It feels like a prison." I glanced at the ground "I see..." He continued to walk down the hall, Still hand in hand with me "Come on...Lets go." I follow closely behind him making sure not to walk to slow or to fast. We traveled down several different hallways before reaching a flight of stairs. We pacefully trailed up them, still very silent. Until finally, there stood a door before us. I placed a palm on it and pushed against it. Ulquiorra asked "Are you ready?" I nod slowly, Looking up at him with a small smile. He opens the door and lead me through to the roof of the building, opening up to a small blanket flatly laid out. I gapsed "Whoa...Ulquiorra did you set all this up just for me?!" He chuckled "Yeah maybe." I ran to the soft blanket and spun around in a circle with my hands raised into the air. The wind was cold against my skin, I could actually feel the wind! The air was clean and fresh as I took a deep breath in. I giggled and jumped around "This feels great! It's been so long since I felt the outside!" Ulquiorra nears me with a glad smile "I'm happy this made you so happy." I placed my attention up at the moon as a surprised gasp escaped my lips "Ah....So beutiful..." Ulquiorra nods "I agree, especially when it's full like this." I whisper "Thank you...So much..." He seemed surprised at that, but he only closed his eyes and smirked "No...Woman. Thank you. You shown me the way to eternal happiness in such a cold dark place. This is my thanks. I give you, The moon of Hueco Mundo." I felt a sting around my cheeks "Ulqui-...orra..." He looked down into my eyes and tilted his head a little, With his smirk still planted. He leaned in and lightly and placed a gentle kiss against the top of my head. I gasped and blushed deeper. He only leaned in closer to my ear to whisper queitly "I lo-" But at that single second the door flew open. He quickly jerked away from me and glanced over to see Grimmjow. Ulquiorra sighed annoyed "What is it Grimmjow?" Grimmjow had a sickening expression as he glanced at me "Why is the prisoner out of her cell?" Ulquiorra crossed his arms, looking down at me "Lord Aizen gave me full permission to take her here." Grimmjow shook his head "That is a load of bullshit! Aizen wouldn't just let you do this for no reason." "Well he did, and what could you do about it?" Grimmjow gritted his teeth "You really piss me off, You know that? Pft. Whatever..." Grimmjow left, slamming the door behind him. I shakily whisper "I wonder what was his problem..." Ulquiorra replied "When doesn't he have a problem? He is just a total asshole." I looked down "Maybe it's just because he is lonely..." Ulquiorra stared with wide eyes at me, But then they formed back to his usual emotionless gaze "Hm. Maybe...We should probably head back." I gasp in shock a litte. Why does he want to leave so soon?...Just a second ago he was smirking and being very nice...Now his expression changed and he wants to leave right away...I wonder what I said that could have upsetted him...Ulquiorra approached the door and glanced back at me, His stare cold and seemed as if he never even knew me. This single action sent chills down my back, it almost even made me want to cry. He sighed "Are you coming...Woman?" I look down sadly "Yes..." Why is he doing this all the sudden?...What did I do...I want to help this but I don't even know what I did wrong... I slowly walked towards him as he opened the door, The place that was going to trap me back into my cell...I sorrowfully look up into his eyes. He pursed his lips together, having a pained face. "Hurry up..." He muttered under his breath but loud enough for me to hear and obey. I nod once, looking back down, and stepping through the door. As we made out way, I smiled lightly "Thank you for taking me outside. It really did relief me. It felt good." He shrugged "Hm...Okay." I stop in my tracks. He also came to a stop as he ordered "Let's continue." I shakily reach my arm to his sleeve and grab it lightly. He furrowed his eyebrows and I whisper "Why are you acting like this...Tell me please...If there is something wrong let me help...If I did something to upset you, Tell me." He looked down, then back up at me. A grumble escaping his lips "I just realized something...Thats all...Something I didn't want to realize in awhile...I pressed the thoughts away, telling myself not to think about it. But I did think about it, In those few seconds you told me that maybe Grimmjow was just lonely. It reminded me of it and now I can't push it away anymore. That's why we can't be....Friends anymore..." He hesitated a bit at the end, while as my vision started to blurr "Wh-why...What did you realize that makes you want to not be friends anymore?..." My throat felt like it was about to close up, He had his back facing me so I didn't know his expression. I clenched his sleeve tighter as my knuckles turned white. He shook his head "Nothing. Nothing that needs to be repeated...I just want to let you know...That you don't have to forgive me, Alright?" I had wide eyes "Ul-Ulquiorra your not making any sense...Please explain!" He rose his hand to his face covering his eyes "N-No...Just...I was too close today...From telling you something that would have messed up your whole life...I want...I want you to just take what I say now, And just leave me at that. Don't question me, And just pretend we never became friends." I felt stinging tears roll down my cheeks as I slowly loosened my grip on his sleeve, as my arm fell limply to my side. He straightened his posture and cleared his throat "Okay...Now...Let's go take you back to your cell..." I sniffled and he winced. I tried my hardest to hold back the giant dam of tears begging to spill from my eyes. We walked a bit in nothing but silence. We finally arrived to the room, In which I was being kept at since the very beginning. He opened the door for me as I entered. Without even a goodbye, He gently closed the door. I immediatly collasped to the floor as tears stereamed down my face. Why is this happening?! Why doesn't he want to be friends or have any relation with eachother at all?! What happened...What did I do?! ULQUIORRA!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU TO MUCH TO GIVE YOU UP!!! PLEASE DON"T LEAVE ME LIKE THIS!!! I hit the floor screaming. Why...Why when evertime I love someone they leave me like this? Sora...Ichigo...and now...Ulquiorra... I curled up in a small ball and laid there crying.

An Unexpected Tale (ulquiorra and Oriheme fan fiction.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang