Untitled Story Part

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Normally court rooms are supposed to be quiet maybe some ruckus here and there right? Well not today you see Mahogany, the mother of Violet, was in the court room being held back by the Freddy's Fazbear's boss to keep the raging women from killing Vincent,the man behind the slaughter/father of violet, right there one the spot "WHY?! YOU SICK MAN!! THAT WAS OUR DAUGHTER! BASTARD!" Mahogany screamed while thrashing around to free herself from the boss' grip.

"Mahogany please stop thrashing!" the boss said as he tried not to let the mad women go. "Let me GO now!" she growled. "Mrs.Carter please calm down. I understand what Mr.Carter-" the judge explained "Do not call him Mr. Carter!" Mahogany snarled. "-did was an unforgivable crime and certainly will be punished for his actions but i need you to quiet down on the yelling" the judge continued. Mahogany huffed before standing still. "Excuse me but uh what is going to happen to the pizzeria?" Phone guy asked "...Well... It'll close down until your pizzeria is cleaned up." the judge said a bit hesitant as if they didn't know what to say.

As time went on and a mother's cry became desperate to put the man to death the session was coming to an end. "I here by stand Mr.Vincent is guilty of,not only putting a bad repetition on the pizzeria, but a loss on Tan Anderson, Frederick Johnson, Sofie Williams and Violet Carter and Faith Willson. Also tampering with foxy the pirate fox nearly killing the 6th child, Mike Schmidt. I sentence him for life in prison." the judge announced while standing up and collecting their papers. "That's it?! No death??!!" mahogany screeched and pointed to the mother of Mike and the other mother's of the children "I'm sure as hell they want to put the fucker to death after what he has DONE!!"

"Mahogany please..." Mike's mother put a gentle hand on her shoulder "...stop... I don't want to see you put more stress on yourself just so he can get the chair..." she said quietly. After about 5-10 minuets later everyone walked out the boss got to his car " I'll help them I'll save them I'll get a puppet if i have to anything to help them..." The boss muttered and drove off.

A/N :
I made up the last names for mahogany and the 5 missing children. So how'd i do? Bad? Good? Okay? let me know okay?

Screams in the court roomWhere stories live. Discover now