Chapter 23

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(Tori's P.O.V)

"Ari! Hurry up and jump" I said then Dove scoffed. "She doesn't want to hurt the baby T" Dove said then I looked at her. "What did you say Dove" I said then Ari turned away. "Might as well tell her Ari" Dove said then Ari looked down. "Guys catch me" Ari said then jumped and Dove caught her. "Follow me" Ari said then took us to the city. "I stole my phone. I'll call my sister" Ariana said then grabbed her phone out her pocket. "Ari? Where are you" Aariona screamed in excitement over the phone. "I'm at 56th and Bradford St" Ari said then I looked around. "Ari? That's in England" Aariona said then Ari gasped. "What?! You're joking right" Ari said then I ran my hand through my hair. "No Ari. I'm not. You're in England right now" Aariona said then Ari's mom was talking in the background. "Aariona? Who are you talking to" Mrs Grande said then Ari sighed. "Hi mum. It's Ari" Ari said then Mrs Grande gasped and started sobbing. "My baby is okay. Where are you" Mrs Grande said then Ari sighed. "Apparently England" Ari said then Mrs Grande cried harder. "How long were we missing" Dove said then we heard clicking. "Hang up the phone right now" Mr Grande said. "Sorry baby. I'm coming. Good bye baby girl"

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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