New Book (not an imagine)

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Hey, guys. I know that, a few chapters ago, we said that updates would slow down since we're struggling through college (yay 🙄) But we have a new idea so we're running with it!

Yes, you've read the title - we have a new book published! It's an imagines book for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, so if you're a demigod, go ahead and check it out. If you're not a demigod, check it out anyway because it has the same levels of crack energy as this book.

And, as said before, if you guys have any ideas you want us to write (whether for Maze Runner or PJO), feel free to suggest them. It might help updates come faster if we have a foundation to work with.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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