Final day

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~Alex POV~

Today was the final day that we had to babysit the boys. FINALLY THIS NIGHTMARE WILL BE OVER! We fed the boys breakfast and put them in the living room to play while me and the girls were talking in the kitchen
Jade: so this is the last day?
Alex: yes...when the sun goes down, the boys will turn back to normal
Charli: GREAT...but Im kinda gonna miss baby Light, Light has never spent so much time with me
Jade: And I have never seen Drake so adorable before
Alex: well...Zach is pretty much the same, maybe even given more trouble than before, but he is still cute
Charli: so what do we do until they change back?
Girls: PJ PARTY!!!!

We changed into our pijamas and found some pijamas for the boys too.

We changed into our pijamas and found some pijamas for the boys too

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Zach wanted me to have a pillow fight with him

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Zach wanted me to have a pillow fight with him. I found two pillows for us and we started having a pillow fight. Obviosly I kept winning because I was bigger and he started crying because he kept looseing. So I gave him a chance and let him win the rest of the rounds, it was very painful but atleast I got to see a smile on his face.

~Jade POV~

Drake and I were just napping on the carpet in the living room. Then I felt a little hand on my face. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Drake on my chest with his teddy bear.
Jade: Hey Drake
Drake: Motter, me and teddy wanna play with you
Jade: ok

Me and Drake started playing with his little teddy bear and some of the other toys. Drake made teddy a knight that was rescueing a magical warrior princess from a fire and ice breathing dragon. Drake got to be his second in hand knight and guess who was the warrior princess...ME. I never new Drake had such a wild imagination. I had alot of fun with baby Drake, maybe even more fun than I ever had with regular Drake, I just wish it could last a little longer.

~Charli POV~

Today Light was acctually feeling all better. But I still really tired from takeing care of him yesterday
Charli: Light is your tummy all better now
Light: yes...thank you charliiiii😁😁😁
Light: I wanna do something for you....
Charli: what is it?
Light: this..

Then he started doing a cute little dance. It wasnt that good but it was super adorable to see him try anyway. After a while I was still tired but I started to dance with him anyways.
Hours passed and the sun was almost down. The boys were about to change back.
Alex: we had alot of fun with you guys
Jade: we hope you had fun with us too
Boys: we did, we did
Charli: good bye babies
Boys: we wuv you

As they gave us there little smiles the sun set and they started to change back to there regular selves. Their clothes changed back to normal there bodies got bigger but when the transformation finished, they were knocked out. We began to worry.
Charli: what happened, why are they knocked out
Alex: give it some time maybe-

Before she could finish her sentence, we heard groaning coming from the boys.

~Zach POV~

I just woke up from being uncontious, my heard hurt pretty bad too. Last thing I remember was getring hit by some strange lazer by a weird lady. I put my hand on my head and tried getting up. I saw that I was on the floor and so were Drake and Light. The girls were beside us makeing sure we were ok.
Zach: head
Drake: what happned to us
Light: why is there toys all over the floor
Drake: I feel kinda...dizzy
Alex: Alright you big babies come to the couch and we will explain everything.

The girls helped us get the the couch so we could sit and the explained everything. How we got turned into babies and all that other stuff.
Light: so what happened to the misterious girl
Charli: we dont know
Jade: after she casted the spell she disappeared
Drake: so you guys had to take care of us
Zach: did we cause any trouble
Zach: heh heh 😅😅😅
Charli: but light, you were such an obedient and cute baby
Light: uhhh thanks? I guess
Charli: although I kinda got you sick
Light: well I dont feel sick, so I assumed you took carevof me well
Drake: hey what about me
Jade: Drake you called me Motter
Drake: uhh I-I did?
Jade: yeah, it was sooo cute
Drake: well I mean I was a way cuter baby than Zach
Zach: No you were not
Drake: yu huh

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