Chapter 1 - Time Travel

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"What do you mean, time travel?"

"I mean my consciousness traveled back into my past self and- you know what never mind." Logan gave up in trying to explain to Donna.

"Sunshine? Who are you talking to?" Hank McCoy started from around the corner.

"Hank! This is Logan! He's from the future. We have to save Auntie Raven." Y/N said cheerfully.

"Y/N, what?" 

"Yep bub. Your blue friend dooms us all." 

"Hank, Y/N, who on Earth are you talking to?" Charles started, walking down the stairs. 

"Dad! I made a friend, I think. His name is Logan, and he's super cool, and he's a mutant, and he time traveled, and I die in the future, isn't that cool?!" Y/N rambled on. 

"What?" Charles asked confusedly. "Since when do you call me dad?"

"Oh so this isn't a dream. Charlie! We have to save Auntie Raven!" 

"Raven? What does she have to do with this?" Charles asked teary eyed at the mention of his adoptive sister. 

"Oh, bub, this is gonna be a long talk." Logan said after being quiet for so long. 


"So let me get this straight," Charles started. "Your future self was projected into your past self to stop Raven from killing a man?"

Logan further explained. "Not just any man, Bolivar Trask. If Raven kills him, the government will later experiment on her. They'll weaponize her power, and make sentinels. These sentinel robots will kill any mutant, the non-mutant parents of future mutants, and even humans who try to help us."

"She is unique." Hank stated. 

"Yeah. She is, Hank." Charles replied. 

"I've been in a lot of wars, Professor." Logan said. "I've never seen anything remotely like this. It's a slaughter, it leaves the worst people in the world killing some of the best."

There was a moment of silence, and then Y/N said, "Come on Charlie! Let's go get Auntie Raven!"

"Y/N, sweetheart, it's not that easy. Even if we do stop Raven from killing him, what makes you think he won't make these robots anyways?" Hank asked. 

"Because she's the start of this. The government holds no grudges, no reason to attack us mutants. Her killing Trask will urge them to start."

"Look, even if we find Raven, she won't listen to me." Charles said with a glum look on his face. "No, her heart and soul belong to someone else now."

"I know. That's why we're gonna need Magneto, too."

"Uncle Erik?" Y/N started while Charles laughed his ass off. "You do know where he is, right?"


Y/N said whilst Charles was still laughing, "Do you know what he's in there for?"

Logan stood in silence for a moment before she continued, "I'll take that as a no. He killed JFK."


"He's where he belongs." Charles said as he left the room. 

"That's it?" Logan started. "You're just gonna walk out?"

"Hey!" Y/N defended her adoptive father. "He has every right to. You saw what Erik did to him."

Logan ignored her while looking at Charles for a response. 

"Oh, top marks-- like I said, you are perceptive."

"The professor I knew would never turn his back on someone who lost his path. Especially someone he loved."

There was a second, just a second of silence, before Charles said, "You know-- I think I do remember you now. Yeah. We came to you a long time ago seeking your help. And I'm gonna say to you what you said to us then." He paused. "Fuck off."

Logan then grabbed Charles by his robe, "Listen to me you little shit. I've come a long way, and I've watched a lot of people die. Good people. Friends. If you're gonna wallow in self-pity and do nothing, then you're gonna watch the same thing, you understand?"

Charles finished the conversation, "We all have to die sometime."

"Told you there was no Professor here." Y/N said. 

"Do you think you can convince him?" Logan asked. 

"I can try." Y/N said hesitantly. "But he's stubborn, and he's lost a lot. His legs, Raven, Erik. He wants to help, but he doesn't want to take another risk. I'll try to talk to him." She then left the room to talk to her father. 

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