Chapter 11

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"Stay low Your Highness." A guard warned me

"Why?" I whispered

"We've located Princess America. She's here, but............" He trailed off

"But what?" I asked

Another guard lowered his eyes

"What?" I demanded

The first one nodded his head through a gap in the door.

I peered in.

Inside, America was dosing off. But the bastards wouldn't let her.

"Stay awake princess!" They laughed, kicking her

Rage exploded in me.

"Now!" The guard yelled and guards stormed past me

"FOR ILLÉA!" They screamed

America looked up drowsily and hoarsely screamed in surprise

Rebels and guards clashed.

I knew this was a risk. But I had to. For America .

I ran towards her.

Pulling out my pocketknife I cut her ropes and scooped her up.

"Maxon?" She cried

"Shhhh." I urged, sneaking towards an empty alleyway

Gunshots fired behind me.

I ducked into the alley, breath labored from holding America.

She started sobbing.

"Shh. We'll make it. I just need you to be quiet. Ok?" I asked her gently

She nodded and pulled me closer to her.

I leaned down and kissed her genty

I felt her smile weakly.

"Excuse me?" Someone squeaked

America clutched me tighter.

"What?" I asked, trying to keep the tremble out of my voice

"Who are you?" They asked

Ok. Not a rebel.

A girl,  no more than five, stepped into the moonlight.

She was wearing a filthy dress and stockings.

"Where are your parents?" America asked

The girl cringed

"They think I'm a failure. They threw me out." She whispered

"Poor thing! Come here." America said, opening her arms

The girl took one step.

"They're here!" Someone yelled

A group of guards.

The girl screamed and jumped into a dumpster.

The guards aimed.

"Wait! She's with us!" America yelled

The guards looked at her and holstered their guns.

"Come out. You're safe." America cooed

The tiny girl peeked out.

She cautiously climbed out.

She made a beeline for America's arms.

America wrapped her arms around the girl.

"What's your name?" She asked

"Rose." She sniffled

"Rose, you're coming back to the palace with us." America declared

I smiled

"Palace?" Rose's eyes widened

"Palace." I confirmed

Rose feel into a deep, sloppy curtsy.

"None of that." I smiled and picked her up.

She giggled.

I wondered what she was doing. She put her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.

I looked questioningly at America. She gave me a huge smile.

The guards escorted us to the van and we drove back.

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