A Songtastic Idea

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"Hey, baby. Want to go watch a movie?" Awsten asks Sonora as he leans on the frame of their bedroom door.

"Oh!" Sonora says, dropping the book she had been reading. "You scared me."

"Sorry," Awsten says, entering the room and picking up her book off the floor. "What're you reading?"

"Penderwicks! It's the best book in existence. This is probably my tenth time reading it, it's so good!" Sonora says, smiling happily at Awsten as she takes the book from him. She puts her book on her nightstand before standing and stretching. "What was it you were asking, earlier?"

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go and watch a movie with me?" Awsten questioned again, hopeful.

"If you want me to watch a movie with you, I will. What movie did you have in mind?" Sonora said.

"If you don't want to watch a movie, we don't have to. I just wanted to do something with you. You've been in your room all day with the people in your book and-"

Sonora put a finger up to Awsten's parted lips, shushing him. Awsten's cheeks turned a shade darker.

"You know what?" Sonora said mischievously, removing her finger from Awsten's mouth. "I have the perfect activity for us to do together."

Awsten smirked. "You and me think so much alike, Sonora." Sonora stared at Awsten.

"How did you-" Sonora was cut off by Awsten. He had pushed her hair away from her neck and was kissing it delectly.

"Oh my gosh, Awsten!" Sonora says, giggling as she attempts to swat Awsten away.

"Mhh. Isn't this what you had in mind, darling?" Awsten mumbled into the crook of Sonora's neck as he wrapped his arms around her lower back.

"No, Awsten!" Sonora laughed, pulling away from his embrace. "Come with me into the music studio."

"What's in the music studio?" Awsten asked, disappointed that he hadn't been right about what Sonora had been wanting to do.

"Just follow me!" Sonora said from the doorway.

"Fine," Awsten grumbled, though he was interested in what Sonora was thinking of. He caught up to her and held her hand as they went down the hall to their music room.

"If you don't think this is a good idea, just tell me. I won't be hurt, I just thought it might be fun to try doing something new together."

"Okay-" Awsten said cautiously. "Wait!" he said, stopping Sonora before she could open the door. Sonora looked over her shoulder at Awsten questioningly. "We aren't going to reenact any of the fanfictions that I've read on my podcast, are we?"

Sonora snorted, trying not to laugh. "Why would we ever do that? You get weirded out just by reading them and I just listening to them. Why in heck would we reenact them?"

Awsten blushed lightly, grinning. "I don't know. Maybe you were feeling horny like the fanfiction authors?" Now Awsten was trying not to laugh as Sonora glared at him.

"You dork!"

"I'm your dork, though, and only a dork for you!" Awsten said.

"That was the dorkiest thing to say, my dork!" Awsten grinned as Sonora opened the door to the music studio and entered.

Awsten took a seat on the piano bench, sitting backwards on the bench so he could still see Sonora.

"I've got to admit that I'm both excited and nervous to present you with my idea," Sonora said, taking a seat in the chair across from Awsten, at the desk.

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