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Another stupid day at more stupid school. There we only learned hot to survive, how to make "friend" not enemies. I was walking down the corridor and listen to music. Suddenly I bumped into someone. FUCK! I am finished! Tall guy with black hair, green eyes and a tatto oh his wrist. He was... fucking handsome but i didn't recognize him because he was new. "Hey" he said calm voice so he had no plans to kill me. This was new in that school. "Hey... You are new?" I aksed but I already knew the answear. "Yea... My name is Caleb" he said in shy voice. "Shy and weakness... You can't show it. YOU MUSTN'T!! Remember?!" I said sharply. "Yes sir!" he said in raised voice. I didn't know what to say. That was first time I heared a joke in that school. He is finished. "Something wrong" he asked."No... Sorry I must go" I said fastly. You got out of situation perfectly! What if he can be the first normal person in this school and you turned him down?! I went back to him. "Sorry... in this school is not normal that somone say a joke or even smile" I said. Fuck he is handsome... "I now something about this type of schools. You just look... not like others" he said nervously. I was confused "Thank you... people in this school are... um... hard to say... never mind" I said. If I had spoken like that next to my gang they would fired me. However it sound. "You look nervous" He reads me like from open book. "I stuttered... and if my gang heard that they would threw me out... They are the only protection I have" I whispered. "I got it" he whispered in my ear. His hot lips touched my ear and neck. HOLY FUCK!! I think I made a mistake in my opinion about him. Good boy wouldn't do that... He walked away like in slowmo.

I was sitting in my class and he was beside me. I felt his eyes on my body. My whole body. That was a little bit scary. Maybe I am not like others or he had obssesion about me. I felt weird with his eyes on me. That was first moment when I felt something is not right with him.

After lessons I was walking down the corridor "Do you want to get ice cream?" he asked. "You are staranger to me... Why should I go with you?" I replied. "Everyone in this school is a stranger to each other... Am I wrong?". He is so mysterious. "You are not" That was true. In normal school people have friends they visit each other's home and they are going out to cinema ar mall. "So we rae going?" he asked one more time. What if he is a psychopath? I know him only few hours Maddie!? Chill out... "Sure" I replied after deep consideration of the proposal.

We went to ice cream shop. Shop was in centrum because in our neighborhood... there are no shops there. Only one small grocery store but it's full of drunks so I didn't go there often. It was fun.We talked and laughed. We had great time together. In that moment I felt that he is more than friend.

I get back home in good mood and I founfd my drunk dad lying on the couch. "W-why...s-so lateeee?!" he asked. "Clasess" I replied. If you are lying... you are dead" he put gun to my head. My heart stopped and my whole body frezzed. I wasn't able to draw any air. His hand was shaking but I am sure he wouldn't miss. He is fucking drunk. He wouldn't even call ambulance. "Not today" he whispered and he fell on couch. I wasn't sure if he fell asleep or he passed out. Somehow I didn't care. I covered him with blanket and turned off the tv but I wasn't sure what shoud I do with gun. If I take it he will probably shoot me with another or I can leave it... and i don't know what will happen then.

I ran upstairs to my room. It's grey and old. Pain was peeling of the walls. On the right was a small bed and on left desk and wardrobe. My daily return here never pleased me. What should I do now? I am upset so I can go to sleep but then I'll have to get up right away or I can study... again. Like always after school... In my opinion I studied more at home than at school. 

I fell asleep on my chair. It wasn't comfy. I woke up because I heard someone opened my door. "Mom?" I asked quiet voice. "Sweetie..." she whispered. "Mom... are you okay?" I asked. "Yes... of course honey" she replied. "Why didn't we run away with- you know who?" I asked softly. "You know that your father would take you away from us" her voice almost cracked. "He would protect me... you know that" I said through my tears. "You know he didn't have a colorful past" mum said. "Just like us... he is like dad to me B-"mom interrupted "Don't say that name in this house" she said sharply. "I-I d-don't want to" I suttered. "I know honey... I am sorry". Mom... he have a g-gun"

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