Bandages and cuddles.

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Scotland wheezed as he wrapped the bandage around his chest again, clipping them and shrugging a hoodie over him before he started brushing his teeth.

"Mornin' Thistle" Ireland leaned his head on the shorter's shoulder, kissing his cheek before looking at him in the mirror.

"Where've you been?" Scotland murmured as he rinsed the brush, watching the others eyes graze on himself.

"C'mere I got you a surprise" Ireland took his hand and lead him into their room, forcing the confused man to shut his eyes as he put a small box in his hand.

"Okay open them love!" Ireland grinned as Scotland opened the box, taking his eyes from the content to his boyfriend and back to the content.

"You got me 'n real binder?" Scotland's eyes glassed over as he gave him a puzzled look.

"mhm, I knew you'd not quit with the dangerous stuff until ye had one" Ireland's grin somehow got bigger as he beckoned Scotland to put it on, drumming his fingers as he waited on him entering the room again.

"Look Clover I look like an actual boy!" Scotland beamed as he entered again, quickly enveloping Ireland in a hug.

"Oi don't be silly ye'r already a boy" Ireland held him back as Scotland rested his head on his shoulder.

"I love yeh Clover" Scotland mumbled.

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