At The Clubhouse

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EZ parked at the end of a long line of bikes. Once you'd climbed off, you slowly walked along the row of bikes, silently appreciating how beautiful they all were. He smiled as he watched you checking them out.

"Once you're done drooling over other mens' bikes, we can get a couple beers," he said with a laugh.

You turned toward him. "Don't worry, I only wanna ride yours. Wouldn't mind taking you for a spin too..."

You heard him growl at that, before reaching out and pulling you to him, so he could kiss you.

"Behave, bebita." He punctuated his statement with a nip to your bottom lip.

"Make me," you said before winking and spinning around, heading toward the clubhouse. He quickly caught back up to you, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.

"Wanna go inside for awhile, or sit by the fire?"

"Inside, so you can introduce me to your friends." You smiled, tilting your head up so you could look at him. He looked down and smiled that wide smile you were quickly growing to love.

"Inside it is, querida." He guided you into the clubhouse, which was pretty busy. You saw Angel at a table not far from the door. He looked up and smiled.

"Hey, chica. What's up?"

"Hanging out with handsome here. How are you?"

"I'm good. Hanging out with handsome, huh? But you aren't hanging out with me..."

You chuckled at that. "Sorry, but EZ is definitely the better looking brother." You winked at him, and smiled up at EZ.

He smiled down at you before pressing a kiss to your lips. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you a drink."

You nodded, and the two of you headed to the bar. EZ asked a guy named Chucky for a couple beers. While he waited for them, he turned to you and wrapped his arm around your waist. He pulled you closer to his body, so your hips were pressed against his. He ducked his head down to kiss you, before pulling back and moving his head so he could whisper in your ear.

"You really think I'm the better looking brother?"

"You kidding? You are crazy fucking hot."

He blushed a little and chuckled. Chucky set the beers on the bar top, so he grabbed them and handed you one. The two of you stood at the bar, drinking your beers. You hadn't stepped back, so your front was still pressed against his, and his hand was around your waist.

"Hey, Boy Scout, who's the chick?"

You chuckled. "Hey, I'm y/n."

"Coco. This is Gilly and Creeper."

"Nice to meet you." You smiled at them.

They nodded and asked Chucky for beers. EZ reached up and gently turned your face so you were looking at him. With his hand still on your cheek, he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. You deepened the kiss, just a bit. When you pulled back, you smiled at him.

"Come on, cariño. I'll introduce you to the other guys." He wrapped his arm around your shoulders again, and guided you across the room to some couches.

"Bish, this is my girl, y/n." You smiled wide when he called you his girl.

"Hey, querida. I'm Bishop."

Hank and Taza introduced themselves next. You chatted with them for a few minutes, before EZ asked if you wanted to go outside for a bit.

You were only a few steps out the door when he gently guided you to the side of the porch. You looked up at him, and he leaned down to press his lips to yours. He slid one hand into your hair and then other around your waist, holding you close. He licked your bottom lip, prompting you to open your mouth. Your tongues tangled as you stood on the porch of the clubhouse, making out. He slowly walked you backward until you were pressed against the wall.

After a few minutes, he pulled back and rested his forehead against yours.

"Fuck, bebita. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to kiss you. Really kiss you."

"I'm not complaining. I love kissing you, Ezekiel."

He smiled at that, then stepped back and reached for your hand. "Come on, let's go sit by the fire for a little while. Otherwise, we are going to spend the rest of the night making out on the porch."

"Well, both plans sound good to me. But, we'll go to the fire first, and make out later."

He smiled at that, and led you over to an empty chair. There was a cooler nearby, and he gestured to it, asking if you wanted a beer. You nodded and grabbed one for each of you. He sat and immediately pulled you onto his lap. You wrapped your arm around his shoulders as you leaned into his body. He had one arm around your waist, and you had both legs thrown over both of his legs, so your feet were dangling off the ground. Your head was resting on his shoulder. You heard the guys chatting around you, but you were too distracted to listen. All you could think about was how bad you wanted EZ right now. You weren't sure earlier if you'd sleep with him tonight, but after a fantastic first date, and all the time you spent talking, you knew you would.

You leaned over and pressed a kiss to his neck at the base of his throat. His grip tightened slightly at the feel of your mouth on him. You pulled back just a bit, and he turned his head to look at you. His eyes had darkened. He obviously liked it. You leaned in and kissed him, shifting slightly on his lap so you could kiss him more deeply.

When he pulled back, he lifted one eyebrow at you. You leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"I think it's bedtime, Ezekiel." You nipped his ear to emphasize your point. He tapped your leg to get you to stand. When you did, he grabbed your hand and pulled you toward his trailer. You heard the guys laughing and calling after you, so you turned just a bit with a big smile on your face and waved.

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