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*small warning; cussing, Wilbur lyric references, I ran out of ideas so this is boring and short, very detailed (like pictures and stuff) and this is Wilbur x female reader, sorry :(*

It was 2:45 PM. Wilbur had just woke up because he stayed up late, he got on his phone and didn't notice Y/N sitting on his chair. He went through his Twitter than he realized Y/N was sitting on his chair eating a jam sandwich. 

"Morning, princess,"

he said and kissed Y/N's forehead. Y/N continued eating 

"Wilby, it's not-."

Wilbur cut Y/N off by saying 

"don't you have school?"

Wilbur was obviously confused, Y/N burst into laughter and said 

"OH, MY GOODNESS- Wilby, it's the afternoon!"

Wilbur blushed in embarrassment and ran to the bathroom as fast as possible, leaving the bedroom door open. Y/N was still laughing and fell off the chair ((as in like in the front, not fell with the chair)) Wilbur heard Y/N fall off the chair and laughed quietly in the bathroom. He walked out trying not to make eye contact with Y/N.

"So, embarrassed, Wilby?"

Y/N said and did a little chuckle after.

"No- I'm-I'm not embarrassed.."

Wilbur stuttered. ((he's not a soft boy I promise 😭)) Y/N chuckled even more.

"Whatever- Anyways, can we please play Minecraft? It's so boring during the quarantine."

Y/N said with puppy eyes. Wilbur just got even redder and walked into the bedroom and grabbed Y/Ns laptop.

"Okay, fine. But you've got to use your laptop, I am not letting you use mine."

Wilbur said and placed Y/Ns laptop on his bed.

"Aw, okay."

Y/N said while frowning. She got onto the bed, powered up her computer and logged into Minecraft.

"I- What happened to my avatar, Wilby?"

Y/N said angrily.

"Oh, uh- I don't- It's nothin-nothing, princess!"

Wilbur said nervously, trying not to laugh. Wilbur couldn't hold his laughter in and just started laughing like a complete idiot. Y/N was confused then said

"Wait. Did YOU do this?!"

Y/N said angrily, once again.

"BWAHAHA!- NO-No, of course, I would NEVER do that!"

Wilbur said still laughing like a maniac, he did do it, but Y/N just changed her avatar back to what she had originally. It was a simple dark academia avatar. Y/N was mad because she knew that Wilbur had changed her avatar. Wilbur created a new survival Minecraft server. Since there were no other ones.

Wilbur x Reader FNFC. ((Not og?)).Where stories live. Discover now